ability of the lyme disease spirochete borrelia burgdorferi to infect rodents and three species of human-biting ticks (blacklegged tick, american dog tick, lone star tick) (acari:ixodidae). | the infectivity of a diverse collection of borrelia burgdorferi strains from north america for mice was determined as a prelude to vector competence experiments with the 3 primary human-biting tick species in the eastern united states (ixodes scapularis say, dermacentor variabilis (say), amblyomma americanum (l.)]. of the 34 b. burgdorferi strains inoculated into mice, 29 were infectious; the exceptions were 5 isolates from texas. vector competence experiments were conducted with 2 strains from ... | 1997 | 9220680 |
geographic distribution of ticks (acari: ixodidae) in michigan, with emphasis on ixodes scapularis and borrelia burgdorferi. | a 12-yr (1985-1996) passive survey in michigan based upon tick submissions from citizens yielded 4,755 ticks of 21 species, 16 of which were probably indigenous in the state. three species of dermacentor [most common, d. variabilis say and d. albipictus (packard)]; 2 species of amblyomma [most common, a. americanum (l.)]; and 12 species of ixodes (most common, i. cookei packard and i. scapularis say), as well as haemaphysalis leporispalustris (packard), rhipicephalus sanguineus latreille, and th ... | 1998 | 9775623 |