
borrelia sp. in ticks recovered from white-tailed deer in alabama.six hundred sixty-five hunter-killed white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) from 18 counties in alabama (usa) were examined for ticks. most of the collections were made at state-operated wildlife management areas. four species of ticks (n = 4,527) were recovered: the lone star tick amblyomma americanum (n = 482); the gulf coast tick a. maculatum (n = 11); the winter tick dermacentor albipictus (n = 1,242); and the black-legged tick ixodes scapularis (n = 2,792). fifty-six percent of the tick ...19921512879
tick infestations of white-tailed deer in alabama.four species of ticks were collected from 537 white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), examined during the hunting seasons (november to january) of 1988-89 and 1989-90 at selected locations in alabama (usa). ixodes scapularis was the most common tick recovered (2,060 specimens) and infested 54% of the deer. dermacentor albipictus was the second most frequent tick (1,253 specimens) and infested 15% of the deer. amblyomma americanum was the third most frequent tick (315 specimens) and infested ...19911758026
etiologic agent of lyme disease, borrelia burgdorferi, detected in ticks (acari: ixodidae) collected at a focus in alabama.the study was conducted at sites of known transmission of borrelia burgdorferi in east central alabama. the objectives were to determine species of ticks present at these sites, their host associations, and species of ticks and small mammals naturally infected with b. burgdorferi. a total of 451 hosts were examined for ticks, including cotton mice, peromyscus gossypinus (le conte); cotton rats, sigmodon hispidus say & ord; southern short-tailed shrews, blarina carolinensis (bachman); house mice, ...19911941933
tick infestations of birds in coastal georgia and alabama.mist-netted birds were examined for ticks on jekyll island, glynn co., georgia (32 bird species) in 1996-1998, and at fort morgan, baldwin co., alabama (36 species) in 1998 during fall migration. sixty-two (14.7%) of 423 birds from jekyll island and 22 (13.3%) of 165 birds from fort morgan were infested with ticks. the mean number of ticks per infested bird was 2.0 on jekyll island and 6.3 at fort morgan. ten species of birds were infested with ticks on jekyl1 island where 87% of all ticks were ...200010780541
borrelia lonestari dna in adult amblyomma americanum ticks, alabama.polymerase chain reaction analysis of 204 amblyomma americanum and 28 a. maculatum ticks collected in august 1999 near the homes of patients with southern tick-associated rash illness and in control areas in choctaw county, alabama, showed borrelia lonestari flagellin gene sequence from two adult a. americanum. the presence of b. lonestari in a. americanum ticks from alabama suggests that this suspected pathogen may be widespread in the southeastern united states.200111384533
tick infestations of the eastern cottontail rabbit (sylvilagus floridanus) and small rodentia in northwest alabama and implications for disease transmission.studies were conducted over a four-county area of northwest alabama to determine the association of eastern cottontail rabbits with dermacentor variabilis, the eastern united states vector of rocky mountain spotted fever. a secondary objective was to compare infestations of this tick on rabbits with infestations on commonly encountered rodent species as a means of determining the relative importance of each in the disease transmission cycle. these epidemiologic surveys were conducted in response ...200516599149
a spotted fever group rickettsia from an exotic tick species, amblyomma exornatum (acari: ixodidae), in a reptile breeding facility in the united states.adults and nymphs of amblyomma exornatum koch (acari: ixodidae), an exotic african tick of monitor lizards, were collected from a gray's monitor lizard, varanus olivaceus hallowell, that died in a reptile facility in alabama. nine adult ticks were tested by polymerase chain reaction for rickettsial agents. dna from a novel spotted fever group rickettsia was amplified and sequenced from one of the nine ticks. the novel rickettsia was most similar to "rickettsia anan," which is associated with amb ...200617017252
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