
ticks (acari: ixodidae) collected from small and medium-sized kansas species of hard-bodied ticks were collected from 20 species of small and medium-sized mammals in kansas; amblyomma americanum l., dermacentor variabilis (say), haemaphysalis leporispalustris (packard), ixodes cookei packard, i. kingi bishopp, i. sculptus neumann, and i. texanus banks. dermacentor variabilis was found statewide, a. americanum only in the eastern one-third of the state, and the ixodes spp. and h. leporispalustris were widely scattered. the most common tick found was d. varia ...19948057327
preliminary survey of ticks (acari: ixodidae) parasitizing wild turkeys (aves: phasianidae) in eastern kansas.during the spring and fall turkey hunting seasons of 1999, hunters and kansas department of wildlife and parks field personnel examined wild turkeys, meleagris gallopavo l., for ticks and submitted them to us for identification. from springtime hunting, we received 113 ticks from 12 turkeys killed in nine counties, all in the eastern one-third of kansas. collectors reported examining three additional wild turkeys on which no ticks were found. all ticks were nymphal lone star ticks, amblyomma ame ...200111268682
feeding predilection of gulf coast tick, amblyomma maculatum koch, nymphs on cattle.gulf coast tick nymphs successfully attached and fed on cattle after being freely released. six hereford heifers were each infested with approximately 2000 gulf coast tick nymphs, three with a strain originating from refugio co., tx, and three with ticks from osage co., ks by free release on the head and legs to simulate field acquisition of questing nymphs. two re-infestations were conducted, the first at 7 days and the second at 28 days. nymph dispersal was estimated by daily inspection of 22 ...200515993001
mating success of two geographically distinct populations of gulf coast ticks, amblyomma maculatum koch.gulf coast ticks collected from refugio co., tx and osage co., ks are reproductively compatible despite differences in genetic haplotypes, geographic separation and seasonal phenologies. two heifers per mating combination (tx males x tx females, ks males x ks females, tx males x ks females, ks males x tx females) were each infested with 360 pairs of gulf coast ticks. only mean pre-oviposition and mean egg conversion efficiency index for the texas male-kansas female mating were significantly diff ...200616713094
distribution and prevalence of cytauxzoon felis in bobcats (lynx rufus), the natural reservoir, and other wild felids in thirteen states.cytauxzoon felis, a protozoan parasite of wild and domestic felids, is the causative agent of cytauxzoonosis in domestic and some exotic felids in the united states. the bobcat (lynx rufus) is the natural reservoir for this parasite, but other felids such as florida panthers (puma concolor coryii) and domestic cats may maintain long-term parasitemias and serve as reservoirs. experimentally, two tick species, dermacentor variabilis and amblyomma americanum, have demonstrated the ability to transm ...201021071149
rickettsia rickettsii (rickettsiales: rickettsiaceae) in amblyomma americanum (acari: ixodidae) from kansas.the role of lone star ticks as vectors for rocky mountain spotted fever (rmsf) remains poorly described. we compared the entomological inoculation rates (eirs) for rickettsia spp. for representative sites in missouri and kansas, states that frequently report rmsf each year. host-seeking ticks were collected during 2006 and pooled tick homogenates analyzed by polymerase chain reaction to detect probable r. rickettsii, with confirmation for multiple gene targets performed on individual ticks from ...201121485390
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