ticks (ixodidae) parasitizing humans in four provinces of north-western argentina. | in four provinces of north-western argentina (catamarca, jujuy, salta and tucumán), between march 1976 and march 1990, 514 ticks were found on humans. they were identified as rhipicephalus sanguineus group (1 male), boophilus microplus (6 male, 1 female), amblyomma parvum (9 male, 13 female), a. cajannense (35 male, 30 female, 81 nymphs), a. neumanni (33 male, 41 female, 144 nymphs) and amblyomma spp. (10 nymphs, 110 larvae). most of the ticks were from the phytogeographical region of chaco, one ... | 1991 | 1809248 |
ecological aspects of four species of ticks found on cattle in salta, northwest argentina. | the seasonal activity of amblyomma cajennense, amblyomma neumanni, amblyomma parvum and boophilus microplus on cattle was studied in a ranch located in the northern part of the phytogeographical district of the chaco serrano where the habitat had suffered minimal human disturbance. the female ticks on one side of 10-25 cows were counted at intervals of 20-50 days from 29 october 1985 to 5 november 1986. the percentage of cattle parasitized with larvae and nymphs of amblyomma was recorded, along ... | 1990 | 2343535 |
ticks (acari: ixodida: argasidae, ixodidae) infesting humans in northwestern cordoba province, argentina. | ticks infesting humans were collected from september 2004 to august 2005 in northwestern córdoba in an area with a southern limit in the locality of dean funes (30 degrees 25's 64 degrees 20'w) and san josé de las salinas (30 degrees 00's 64 degrees 37'w) in the north. the collections consisted in ticks found attached on man obtained from three sources: 1) specimens fixed on two workers during two successive days per month of field work in the northern part of the area which belongs to western c ... | 2006 | 16871909 |
distribution, hosts, 16s rdna sequences and phylogenetic position of the neotropical tick amblyomma parvum (acari: ixodidae). | the hosts, distribution, intraspecific genetic variation and phylogenetic position of amblyomma parvum (acari: ixodidae) have recently been re-assessed. data on this tick's hosts and distribution were obtained not only from existing literature but also from unpublished records. sequences of the ticks' mitochondrial 16s ribosomal dna (rdna) were used to evaluate genetic variation among specimens of a. parvum from different localities in argentina and brazil, and to explore the phylogenetic relati ... | 2008 | 18577332 |
seasonal distribution of larvae and nymphs of amblyomma tigrinum koch, 1844 (acari: ixodidae). | the seasonality of immature stages of amblyomma tigrinum was studied in an area of the chaco phytogeographical province in córdoba, argentina by monthly collection of larvae from ground feeding birds and sigmodontinae rodents, and nymphs from caviidae rodents from may 2005 to april 2007. an apparent peak of abundance was found from december to may but differences with other months of the year were not significant (p>0.05). these and previous results suggest that the parasitic stages of a. trigri ... | 2009 | 19833442 |
detection of "candidatus rickettsia sp. strain argentina"and rickettsia bellii in amblyomma ticks (acari: ixodidae) from northern argentina. | ixodid ticks were collected from vegetation and from humans, wild and domestic mammals in a rural area in the semi-arid argentine chaco in late spring 2006 to evaluate their potential role as vectors of spotted fever group (sfg) rickettsiae. a total of 233 adult ticks, identified as amblyomma parvum, amblyomma tigrinum and amblyomma pseudoconcolor, was examined for rickettsia spp. we identified an sfg rickettsia of unknown pathogenicity, "candidatus rickettsia sp. strain argentina", in a. parvum ... | 2010 | 20186466 |
amblyomma tigrinum (acari: ixodidae) in relation to phytogeography of central-northern argentina with notes on hosts and seasonal distribution. | the findings of amblyomma tigrinum in continental argentina north of 40 degrees s are presented according to phytogeographic domains (andean-patagonic, amazonian and chaco) and the seasonal distribution is depicted on a monthly basis. a total of 718 adult ticks and four nymphs were found. a. tigrinum ticks were present in all domains. adult ticks were found all year round but they were more abundant during the summer. most ticks were found on domestic dogs but the survey has a bias to domestic h ... | 2000 | 11354625 |