
distribution, hosts, 16s rdna sequences and phylogenetic position of the neotropical tick amblyomma parvum (acari: ixodidae).the hosts, distribution, intraspecific genetic variation and phylogenetic position of amblyomma parvum (acari: ixodidae) have recently been re-assessed. data on this tick's hosts and distribution were obtained not only from existing literature but also from unpublished records. sequences of the ticks' mitochondrial 16s ribosomal dna (rdna) were used to evaluate genetic variation among specimens of a. parvum from different localities in argentina and brazil, and to explore the phylogenetic relati ...200818577332
rickettsia parkeri in argentina.clinical reports of an eschar-associated rickettsiosis in the paraná river delta of argentina prompted an evaluation of amblyomma triste ticks in this region. when evaluated by pcr, 17 (7.6%) of 223 questing adult a. triste ticks, collected from 2 sites in the lower paraná river delta, contained dna of rickettsia parkeri.200819046514
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