improved diagnosis of farmer's lung using the fluorescent antibody technique. | | 1974 | 4277527 |
actinomycosis: a ten year review. | | 1971 | 5144569 |
cervico-facial and intra-oral actinomycosis: a 5-year retrospective study. | actinomycosis is often considered to be a rare disease in the oral region. a retrospective study of the routine diagnostic services in glasgow dental hospital revealed 39 cases in which actinomyces were detected, indicating that this organism is not infrequent in oral infections and may be seen in a variety of lesions. | 1975 | 1059485 |
viable bacteria in root dentinal tubules of teeth with apical periodontitis. | two sets of teeth with apical periodontitis were collected at different geographic locations to study the identity of bacteria left in the root dentinal tubules. root dentin of 20 of these teeth was cultured from three locations between pulp and cementum (a, b, and c). in addition dentin from eight teeth was examined histologically. using the culturing technique bacteria were found in 77% of the dentin samples from set 1 (amsterdam) and in 87.5% of the dentin samples from set 2 (glasgow). at gre ... | 2001 | 11491642 |