
potential mosquito vectors of dirofilaria immitis in bernalillo county, new mexico.the susceptibility of aedes vexans, culex quinquefasciatus, and culex tarsalis to dirofilaria immitis infections was evaluated in bernalillo co., new mexico. mosquitoes that had taken a blood meal from a d. immitis-infected dog were dissected and observed for developing larvae. infection rates for ae. vexans, cx. quinquefasciatus, and cx. tarsalis were 68.9, 40.6, and 30.2%, respectively. infective d. immitis larvae developed after a minimum of 8 days in ae. vexans vs. 14 days in both cx. quinqu ...19957616197
host preference of mosquitoes in bernalillo county, new preference of mosquitoes was determined using animal-baited traps. hosts used in the study were cattle, chickens, dogs, and horses. ten mosquito species representing 4 genera were collected from the animal-baited traps. aedes vexans, aedes dorsalis, culex quinquefasciatus. culex tarsalis, and culiseta inornata were used as indicator species for data analysis. greater numbers of ae. vexans, ae. dorsalis, and cs. inornata were collected from cattle and horses than from chickens or dogs. in ad ...19979152878
comparison of mosquito trapping method efficacy for west nile virus surveillance in new part of the west nile virus surveillance program for the state of new mexico, 13 sites along the rio grande river were sampled for mosquitoes during spring and summer 2003. we evaluated 3 different trapping procedures for their effectiveness at capturing selected species of mosquitoes. the 3 methods used were a dry ice-baited centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) light trap set 1.5 m above the ground (standard method), a cdc light trap suspended within the forest canopy, and a grav ...200617019770
potential vectors of west nile virus in a semiarid environment: doña ana county, new mexico.the potential vectors of west nile virus (family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, wnv) in doña ana county, nm, were determined during 2004 and 2005. trapping was conducted using centers for disease control and prevention miniature light-traps baited with dry ice, and gravid traps baited with a hay infusion. in addition, sentinel chickens were housed at four of the trapping locations to monitor wnv epizootic transmission. in total, 5,576 pools consisting of 115,797 female mosquitoes were tested fo ...200919960700
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