
mosquito surveillance employing new jersey light traps on indian reservations in iowa, nebraska and south dakota in 1984 and 1985.a mosquito surveillance program was established in 1983 on indian reservations in iowa, nebraska and south dakota. standard new jersey light traps were operated on 12 reservations throughout the summer seasons in 1984 and 1985. rainfall levels in general were higher than normal at all sites in 1984 but were lower than normal at most sites in 1985. aedes vexans was the most abundant species collected on all reservations and culex tarsalis second in abundance. man-biting collections of mosquitoes ...19872904939
occurrence and seasonal incidence of mosquitoes on indian reservations in iowa, nebraska and south dakota during 1983.a mosquito surveillance program designed to prevent future human cases of western equine encephalitis or saint louis encephalitis was established in 1983 on indian reservations under the jurisdiction of the aberdeen area indian health service in iowa, nebraska and south dakota. standard new jersey light traps were operated on all reservations throughout the summer season while cdc miniature and encephalitis virus surveillance traps were employed for shorter periods of time on 4 reservations. aed ...19862906969
seasonal incidence and geographical variation of nebraska mosquitoes, 1994-95.a mosquito survey was conducted in nebraska during 1994-95. mosquitoes were collected by co2-baited cdc light traps at 11 localities throughout nebraska. total mosquitoes collected was 685,581 per trap (mean = 790) and 1,163,741 per trap (mean = 1,372) during 1994 and 1995, respectively. twenty-seven mosquito species representing 8 genera were collected. the most abundant mosquitoes collected statewide were aedes vexans at 74% of the 2-year total, culex tarsalis at 11%; aedes trivittatus, 5%; ae ...199910480112
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