parasitism of adult aedes vexans by a mermithid (nematoda: mermithidae) in iowa. | | 1989 | 2584980 |
mosquito surveillance employing new jersey light traps on indian reservations in iowa, nebraska and south dakota in 1984 and 1985. | a mosquito surveillance program was established in 1983 on indian reservations in iowa, nebraska and south dakota. standard new jersey light traps were operated on 12 reservations throughout the summer seasons in 1984 and 1985. rainfall levels in general were higher than normal at all sites in 1984 but were lower than normal at most sites in 1985. aedes vexans was the most abundant species collected on all reservations and culex tarsalis second in abundance. man-biting collections of mosquitoes ... | 1987 | 2904939 |
occurrence and seasonal incidence of mosquitoes on indian reservations in iowa, nebraska and south dakota during 1983. | a mosquito surveillance program designed to prevent future human cases of western equine encephalitis or saint louis encephalitis was established in 1983 on indian reservations under the jurisdiction of the aberdeen area indian health service in iowa, nebraska and south dakota. standard new jersey light traps were operated on all reservations throughout the summer season while cdc miniature and encephalitis virus surveillance traps were employed for shorter periods of time on 4 reservations. aed ... | 1986 | 2906969 |
efficacy of bacillus sphaericus and bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis for control of culex pipiens and floodwater aedes larvae in iowa. | granular and flowable concentrate formulations of bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis provided a 90-100% reduction in aedes vexans and culex spp. larvae in natural larval habitats. a briquet formulation of b. thuringiensis was less effective, providing a 12-76% reduction. no residual activity occurred in sites treated with b. thuringiensis. granular formulations of bacillus sphaericus (2.78-8.42 kg/ha) caused a 100% reduction in culex pipiens larvae in natural sites and artificial pools. bac ... | 1987 | 3504943 |
response of iowa mosquito populations to unusual precipitation patterns as measured by new jersey light trap collections. | new jersey light trap data from 1993, a year with unusually high amounts of precipitation, and 1994 were compared with mean light trap counts for the previous 8-10 years in each of 6 locations. the study took place in iowa. in 1993, aedes trivittatus and culex tarsalis populations were unchanged. anopheles punctipennis and culex pipiens complex populations were significantly higher, and aedes vexans populations increased in all 6 sites, significantly so in 2 sites. species composition was unchan ... | 1995 | 7595446 |
mosquito (diptera: culicidae) development within microhabitats of an iowa wetland. | although they provide a number of valuable ecological services, wetlands also may harbor mosquitoes that are vectors of human pathogens. during 2002 and 2003, we measured biological (i.e., abundances of mosquitoes, other insects, and total heterotrophic bacteria, vegetational cover, and dead organic material), chemical (i.e., ph, dissolved nitrate, dissolved nitrite, dissolved phosphate, total alkalinity, and electrical conductivity), and physical (i.e., water temperature, dissolved oxygen, dept ... | 2005 | 16119560 |
spatiotemporal investigation of adult mosquito (diptera: culicidae) populations in an eastern iowa county, usa. | landscape and climatic factors regulate distributions of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) over time and space. the anthropogenic control of mosquito populations is often carried out at a local administrative scale, and it is applied based on the relevant agency's experiential knowledge rather than systematic analysis of spatial and temporal data. to address this shortcoming, a spatial and temporal analysis of landscape and climatic parameters in relation to mosquito populations in black hawk coun ... | 2007 | 18047216 |
ecological niche modeling of potential west nile virus vector mosquito species in iowa. | ecological niche modeling (enm) algorithms, maximum entropy species distribution modeling (maxent) and genetic algorithm for rule-set prediction (garp), were used to develop models in iowa for three species of mosquito - two significant, extant west nile virus (wnv) vectors (culex pipiens l and culex tarsalis coquillett (diptera: culicidae)), and the nuisance mosquito, aedes vexans meigen (diptera: culicidae), a potential wnv bridge vector. occurrence data for the three mosquito species from a s ... | 2010 | 20874412 |