
multiple isolations of eastern equine encephalitis and highlands j viruses from mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) during a 1996 epizootic in southeastern connecticut.thirty-six isolations of eastern equine encephalitis virus were obtained from 8 species of mosquitoes collected from 5 september through 18 october 1996 during an epizootic in southeastern connecticut. these included culiseta melanura (coquillett) (19 isolates), culex pipiens l. (8), culiseta morsitans (theobald) (3), aedes sollicitans (walker) (2), aedes cantator (coquillett) (1), aedes trivittatus (coquillett) (1), aedes vexans (meigen) (1), and coquillettidia perturbans (walker) (1). isolatio ...19989615549
isolation of west nile virus from mosquitoes, crows, and a cooper's hawk in connecticut.west nile (wn) virus, a mosquito-transmitted virus native to africa, asia, and europe, was isolated from two species of mosquitoes, culex pipiens and aedes vexans, and from brain tissues of 28 american crows, corvus brachyrhynchos, and one cooper's hawk, accipiter cooperii, in connecticut. a portion of the genome of virus isolates from four different hosts was sequenced and analyzed by comparative phylogenetic analysis. our isolates from connecticut were similar to one another and most closely r ...199910600741
epidemiology of west nile virus in connecticut: a five-year analysis of mosquito data 1999-2003.two hundred and ten isolations of west nile virus (wnv) were obtained from 17 mosquito species in six genera in statewide surveillance conducted in connecticut from june through october, 1999-2003. culex pipiens (86), culex salinarius (32), culex restuans (26), culiseta melanura (32), and aedes vexans (12) were implicated as the most likely vectors of wnv in the region based on virus isolation data. culex pipiens was abundant from july through september and is likely involved in early season enz ...200415682518
isolations of potosi virus from mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) collected in connecticut.potosi virus (potv) (bunyaviridae: orthobunyavirus) was first isolated from aedes albopictus (skuse) collected in potosi, mo, in 1989, and subsequent isolations were reported from illinois, michigan, ohio, and the carolinas. to determine whether the distribution of this virus extends into the northeastern united states, we analyzed arboviruses acquired from mosquitoes collected in connecticut from 1998 to 2004. in 2001, a bunyavirus was isolated from aedes vexans (meigen) that was different from ...200516363172
modeling the spatial distribution of mosquito vectors for west nile virus in connecticut, usa.the risk of transmission of west nile virus (wnv) to humans is associated with the density of infected vector mosquitoes in a given area. current technology for estimating vector distribution and abundance is primarily based on centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) light trap collections, which provide only point data. in order to estimate mosquito abundance in areas not sampled by traps, we developed logistic regression models for five mosquito species implicated as the most likely v ...200616989568
west nile virus from female and male mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) in subterranean, ground, and canopy habitats in total, 93,532 female mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) were captured in traps placed in subterranean (catch basin), ground (approximately 1.5 m above ground), and canopy (approximately 7.0 m above ground) habitats in stamford and stratford, ct, during 2003-2005. culex pipiens l. was the most abundant (64.8%) of the 31 species identified. significantly greater numbers of cx. pipiens were captured in canopy-placed mosquito magnet experimental traps, and significantly greater numbers were collecte ...200617017241
identification of avian- and mammalian-derived bloodmeals in aedes vexans and culiseta melanura (diptera: culicidae) and its implication for west nile virus transmission in connecticut, evaluate the host-feeding patterns of aedes vexans (meigen) and culiseta melanura (coquillett) as secondary vectors of west nile virus (family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, wnv) in northeastern united states, we identified the source of vertebrate bloodmeals by sequencing portions of the cytochrome b gene of mitochondrial dna. analysis of polymerase chain reaction products from a total of 119 ae. vexans revealed that 92.4% of individuals acquired blood solely from mammalian and 2.5% from av ...200617017250
nocturnal activity of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) in a west nile virus focus in connecticut.six species of mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) were collected in sufficient numbers for analysis in segregating traps set at 2-h intervals by using co2 and light as attractants in a west nile virus (family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, wnv) focus in stratford, ct. the kolmogorov-smirnov one-sided test for two samples was used to analyze the data. mosquito activity began shortly before sunset and continued until shortly after sunrise the next morning. all species had geometric means that were s ...200718047212
isolations of jamestown canyon virus (bunyaviridae: orthobunyavirus) from field-collected mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) in connecticut, usa: a ten-year analysis, 1997-2006.jamestown canyon virus (jcv) (bunyaviridae: orthobunyavirus) is a mosquito-borne zoonosis belonging to the california serogroup. it has a wide geographic distribution, occurring throughout much of temperate north america. white-tailed deer, odocoileus virginianus are the principal amplification hosts, and boreal aedes and ochlerotatus mosquitoes are the primary vectors. a 10-year study was undertaken to identify potential mosquito vectors in connecticut, quantify seasonal prevalence rates of inf ...200818386967
avian communal roosts as amplification foci for west nile virus in urban areas in northeastern united states.west nile virus (wnv) perpetuates in an enzootic transmission cycle involving culex mosquitoes and virus-competent avian hosts. in the northeastern united states, the enzootic vectors, cx. pipiens and cx. restuans, feed preferentially on american robins (turdus migratorius), suggesting a key role for this bird species in the wnv transmission cycle. we examined the role of american robin communal roosts as virus amplification foci in greater new haven, connecticut. robin communal roosts were loca ...201020134014
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