
malathion resistance in mosquitoes from charleston and georgetown counties of coastal south carolina.susceptibility tests were conducted using the world health organization diagnostic test procedure on strains of aedes taeniorhynchus, aedes sollicitans, aedes vexans, and culex nigripalpus collected from several localities in charleston and georgetown counties of south carolina. aedes taeniorhynchus was resistant to malathion (mortality 1.0-54.4%) but not to propoxur, permethrin, or fenitrothion. there also were indications that ae. sollicitans and cx. nigripalpus were resistant to malathion, bu ...19947912262
arbovirus surveillance in south carolina, 1996-98.arboviruses isolated and identified from mosquitoes in south carolina (usa) are described, including new state records for eastern equine encephalitis virus (eee), st. louis encephalitis virus (sle), flanders virus, tensaw virus (ten), and a variant of jamestown canyon virus (jc). mosquitoes were collected at 52 locations in 30 of 46 south carolina counties beginning in june 1996, and ending in october 1998, and tested for arboviruses. of 1,329 mosquito pools tested by virus isolation (85,806 mo ...200111345423
seasonal and diel patterns of biting midges (ceratopogonidae) and mosquitoes (culicidae) on the parris island marine corps recruit depot.the marine corps recruit depot on parris island, sc, is surrounded by tidal salt marshes, which are breeding habitats for many pestiferous biting flies. knowledge of biting fly behavior patterns is needed to develop effective pest management strategies in urban areas adjacent to salt marshes. we measured biting midge (ceratopogonidae) and mosquito (culicidae) seasonal abundance and diel activity patterns on parris island using co(2)-baited suction traps from november 2001 - november 2004. of the ...200920836813
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