
bacteremic cellulitis caused by non-serogroup o1 vibrio cholerae acquired in a freshwater inland lake.the number of reported cases of infections with non-serogroup o1 vibrio cholerae in the united states has increased recently. these cases have almost invariably been associated with travel, seawater exposure, or the ingestion of shellfish. we report a case of bacteremic cellulitis caused by non-o1 v. cholerae that was acquired in a freshwater inland lake in northern illinois. the organism is more widely distributed than generally appreciated, and the potential for infection in patients without t ...19892592550
cholera associated with food transported from el salvador--indiana, 1994.since the onset of the cholera epidemic in latin america in 1991, most cases of cholera in the united states have occurred among persons traveling to the united states from cholera-affected areas or who have eaten contaminated food brought or imported from these areas. in december 1994, a cluster of cholera cases occurred among persons in indiana who had shared a meal of contaminated food brought from el salvador. this report summarizes the investigation of the cases conducted by the indiana sta ...19957746262
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