
isolation, enumeration, and characterization of aeromonas from polluted waters encountered in diving operations.counts of total viable, aerobic, heterotrophic bacteria, indicator organisms, and aeromonas spp. were made at a diver training site on the anacostia river in washington, d.c. the numbers of aeromonas cells in anacostia river sediment and water increased during periods of elevated water temperature, to maxima of 4 x 10(5) cells per g of sediment and 300 cells per ml of water. correspondingly, aeromonas counts dropped 2 to 4 logs as the water temperature decreased to 0 to 0.5 degrees c. cultures t ...19807396482
serum igm levels against select marine bacteria in the atlantic sharpnose shark (rhizoprionodon terraenovae) from three estuaries.the atlantic sharpnose shark (rhizoprionodon terraenovae) is abundant and easily captured throughout the southeastern united states. therefore this species serves as an ideal model for generating basic immunological reagents to establish baseline information regarding the immunophysiology of sharks in the wild, and for attempting to correlate shark immune responses to potential pathogens with the quality of the habitat in which they reside. sharpnose shark serum igm was purified over a protein-a ...200616750427
severe diarrhea caused by cholera toxin-producing vibrio cholerae serogroup o75 infections acquired in the southeastern united states.from 2003 through 2007, vibrio cholerae serogroup o75 strains possessing the cholera toxin gene were isolated from 6 patients with severe diarrhea, including 3 in georgia, 2 in alabama, and 1 in south carolina. these reports represent the first identification of v. cholerae o75 as a cause of illness in the united states. v. cholerae o75 was isolated from a water sample collected from a pond in louisiana in 2004. subsequently, 3 v. cholerae isolates from louisiana (2 from patients with diarrhea i ...200818781876
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