cholera on the louisiana gulf coast: historical notes and case report. | a 67-year old woman was brought by ambulance to the hospital because of syncope and collapse. forty-eight hours prior to the admission she ate some crabs with her husband. the morning of admission she awakened with massive, watery diarrhea followed by vomiting and shock. she was admitted to the intensive care unit with hypotension and bradycardia. she was resuscitated after a large volume of fluid was administered. approximately 22 liters of fluids were administered in 24 hours. stool cultures g ... | 1989 | 2689545 |
cholera in louisiana. widening spectrum of seafood vehicles. | the largest cholera outbreak in the united states in over a century occurred in louisiana from august through october 1986. eighteen persons in 12 family clusters had stool culture or serologic evidence of infection with toxigenic vibrio cholerae 0-group 1. thirteen of these persons had severe diarrhea, and 4 required intensive care unit treatment. although all 18 survived, 1 96-year-old woman with suspected cholera died shortly after hospital admission. a case-control study showed that case-pat ... | 1989 | 2774784 |
molecular epidemiology of non-o1 vibrio cholerae and vibrio mimicus in the u.s. gulf coast region. | ten toxigenic vibrio cholerae non-o1 and v. mimicus strains isolated from clinical and environmental sources in the u.s. gulf coast region were examined for genetic relatedness. restriction digest patterns of chromosomal dna and southern blot analysis with a cholera toxin gene probe revealed that the strains exhibited greater genetic divergence than the highly conserved v. cholerae o1 strains isolated from clinical and sewage samples in this region. | 1986 | 3007571 |
toxigenic vibrio cholerae 01 infections--louisiana and florida. | | 1986 | 3092018 |
cholera after the consumption of raw oysters. a case report. | in august 1986, a 76-year-old woman in miami, florida, developed profuse watery diarrhea and abdominal cramps. two and four days before the onset of her illness, she had eaten six raw oysters at each of two restaurants in miami. a stool specimen yielded toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1 biotype el tor, serotype inaba. the results of toxin gene probing of the organism recovered from the patient differed significantly from those of other v. cholerae o1 isolates from the gulf coast and elsewhere in the ... | 1987 | 3688678 |
isolation of nontoxigenic vibrio cholerae o group 1 from a patient with severe gastrointestinal disease. | a nontoxigenic strain of vibrio cholerae o group 1 was isolated in florida from the stool of a patient with severe diarrhea. the strain had the same hemolytic and unique phage-sensitivity pattern as all toxigenic isolates from recent cases of cholera in texas and louisiana. identical strains were transiently isolated from sewerage systems in two other florida communities, suggesting that multiple human infections had occurred. this is the first indication that v. cholerae o1 strains which do not ... | 1984 | 6199370 |
identical 5s rrna nucleotide sequence of vibrio cholerae strains representing temporal, geographical, and ecological diversity. | enzymatic determination of the nucleotide sequence of 5s rrna prepared from a vibrio cholerae non-o1 serovar isolated from a canal in louisiana in 1978 revealed it to be identical to that of v. cholerae o1 isolated in 1905 from a pilgrim at the e1 tor quarantine station. the two strains are associated with sharply contrasting habitats. ranges of variation of 5 to 15% in procaryotic 5s rrna sequences between species are typical; variation within species may be 2% or greater. because the 5s rrna s ... | 1984 | 6206795 |
molecular epidemiological studies of united states gulf coast vibrio cholerae strains: integration site of mutator vibriophage vca-3. | environmental and clinical vibrio cholerae o-1 strains isolated from the u.s. gulf coast region were found to be lysogenic for a vibriophage which we have designated vca-3. comparison of vca-3 with the previously described vibriophages vca-1 and vca-2 has shown that vca-1 and vca-3 are homoimmune, have extensive sequence homology, but have markedly different restriction endonuclease digestion patterns. vca-3 was found to randomly integrate into the v. cholerae rv79 chromosome and to introduce st ... | 1983 | 6618665 |
cholera in louisiana: old problem, new light. | | 1980 | 6985711 |
use of moore swabs for isolating vibrio cholerae from sewage. | the moore swab method was shown to be a practical and sensitive technique for the isolation of vibrio cholerae from sewage. in each of three instances in which cholera patients lived in homes connected to municipal sewers, v. cholerae was isolated from the community sewage plant intake at the time of the patients illness. sewer systems became negative within 1 day after patients were treated with tetracycline. sewer surveillance using the moore swab also found evidence of infections occurring in ... | 1980 | 6989857 |
molecular epidemiology of vibrio cholerae in the u.s. gulf coast. | enterotoxigenic strains of vibrio cholerae o-1, biotype el tor, isolated from a case of cholera in texas in 1973, an outbreak of cholera in louisiana in 1978, and louisiana sewage samples in 1980 and 1981 were analyzed for their genetic similarities. chromosomal dna was isolated from each strain, digested with restriction endonuclease, and analyzed by the southern blot technique. a radioactive probe consisting of escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin dna detected cholera toxin gene sequences ... | 1982 | 7107852 |
occurrence of vibrio cholerae serotype o1 in maryland and louisiana estuaries. | vibrio cholerae serotype o1 has been isolated from chesapeake bay in maryland and estuaries and sewers in louisiana. the occurrence of v. cholerae o1 in the aquatic environment in the absence of human disease suggests that this organism survives and multiples in the natural environment. | 1981 | 7235699 |
production of cholera-like enterotoxin by a vibrio cholerae non-o1 strain isolated from the environment. | vibrio cholerae non-o1 strain e8498, isolated in 1978 from fresh water in louisiana, produced a vascular permeability factor when cultured in shallow resting cultures of casamino acids-yeast extract-glucose medium for 24 h at 30 degrees c. undiluted resting culture filtrates contained heat-labile permeability factor activity which was only partially neutralized by cholera antitoxin and gm1 ganglioside. supernatants concentrated with pm-10 membranes caused hemorrhage and necrosis in rabbits withi ... | 1981 | 7298194 |
cholera--a possible endemic focus in the united states. | in september and october 1978, after a case of cholera had been discovered in southwestern louisiana, 10 more vibrio cholerae o-group 1 infections were detected in four additional clusters. all 11 infected persons had recently eaten cooked crabs from five widely separated sites in the coastal marsh, and a matched-triplet case-control study showed a significant relation between cholera and eating such crabs (p = 0.007). v. cholerae o1 was isolated from estuarine water, from fresh shrimp, from a l ... | 1980 | 7350497 |
molecular evolution of the seventh-pandemic clone of vibrio cholerae and its relationship to other pandemic and epidemic v. cholerae isolates. | genetic variation and molecular evolution within the seventh-pandemic clone of vibrio cholerae o1 and its relationship to other v. cholerae isolates were examined by studying 58 clinical isolates that were epidemiologically unassociated and isolated from patients in different countries over 62 years (1931 to 1993). the sample consisted of 45 isolates from the seventh cholera pandemic (1961 to the present), 3 from the sixth pandemic, 3 from sporadic el tor outbreaks prior to the seventh pandemic, ... | 1994 | 7928989 |
two cases of toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1 infection after hurricanes katrina and rita--louisiana, october 2005. | louisiana was struck by hurricane katrina on august 29, 2005, and by hurricane rita on september 24, 2005. the two hurricanes caused unprecedented damage from wind and storm surge to the louisiana gulf coast region, and levee breaks resulted in flooding of large residential areas in and around new orleans. with the flooding, an immediate public health concern was the potential for outbreaks of infectious diseases, including cholera. nearly all vibrio infections in the united states are caused by ... | 2006 | 16424854 |
vibrio infections in louisiana: twenty-five years of surveillance 1980-2005. | a total of 1,007 vibrio infections were reported to the infectious disease epidemiology department at the louisiana office of public heath, between 1980 and 2005. the most common were vibrio vulnificus (257 infections), vibrio parahemolyticus (249 infections), and vibrio cholerae non o1 (200 cases). other species were much less common. vibrio vulnificus infections, which are associated with consumption of raw seafood (particularly oysters) or contact with sea water, and severe immuno-suppression ... | 2007 | 17987958 |
severe diarrhea caused by cholera toxin-producing vibrio cholerae serogroup o75 infections acquired in the southeastern united states. | from 2003 through 2007, vibrio cholerae serogroup o75 strains possessing the cholera toxin gene were isolated from 6 patients with severe diarrhea, including 3 in georgia, 2 in alabama, and 1 in south carolina. these reports represent the first identification of v. cholerae o75 as a cause of illness in the united states. v. cholerae o75 was isolated from a water sample collected from a pond in louisiana in 2004. subsequently, 3 v. cholerae isolates from louisiana (2 from patients with diarrhea i ... | 2008 | 18781876 |
temporal and spatial variability in culturable pathogenic vibrio spp. in lake pontchartrain, louisiana, usa, following hurricanes katrina and rita. | we investigated the abundance, distribution, and virulence gene content of v. cholerae, v. parahaemolyticus, v. vulnificus in the waters of southern lake pontchartrain in louisiana, usa, on four occasions from october 2005 to september 2006, using selective cultivation and molecular assays. the three, targeted pathogenic vibrios were generally below detection in january 2006 when the water was cold (13° c), and highest in september 2006 when lake water was warmest (30° c). the maximum values for ... | 2011 | 21642406 |