
in situ survival of vibrio cholerae and escherichia coli in a tropical rain forest watershed.for 12 months, vibrio cholerae and fecal coliform densities were monitored along with nine other water quality parameters at 12 sites in a rain forest watershed in puerto rico. densities of v. cholerae and fecal coliforms were not significantly correlated, even though the highest densities of both bacteria were found at a sewage outfall. high densities of v. cholerae were also found at pristine sites at the highest point in the watershed. the density of escherichia coli and v. cholerae in membra ...19892655536
hurricanes, climate change and the cholera epidemic in puerto rico of 1855-1856.hurricanes and global climate changes may affect the environmental factors of cholera dynamics in warm coastal areas, vulnerable to seasonal or sporadic outbreaks. the cholera epidemic of puerto rico in 1855-1856 had a profound effect on the puerto rican society; but it was not influenced by any climatic events, such as preceding hurricanes or storms based on past documentary sources. particularly, the environmental non-toxigenic strains of vibrio cholerae in puerto rican water sources can maint ...200819400536
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