calibrated serological techniques demonstrate significant different serum response rates to an oral killed cholera vaccine between swedish and nicaraguan children. | serum responses to oral cholera vaccines were assessed in three paediatric vaccine trials, two in león, nicaragua and one in stockholm, sweden. a calibrated anti-cholera toxin b subunit (ctb) iga elisa was used together with an assay for vibriocidal antibodies. swedish children had lower pre-vaccination levels of antibody, but serum responses were more pronounced in swedish children than in nicaraguan children. post-vaccination levels of anti-toxin antibody were generally above those found after ... | 2002 | 12443672 |
free-living acanthamoeba and naegleria spp. amebae in water sources of león, nicaragua. | free-living amebae (fla) are known to occur worldwide in water-related biotopes, but only limited information is available on these organisms in developing countries and so far no information on their presence is available from nicaragua. the aims of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of potentially pathogenic acanthamoeba spp. and naegleria spp. in different water sources to which the population of le6n municipality is exposed. since pathogenic amebae are thermotolerant, we were especia ... | 2008 | 19256418 |