
the susceptibility of muskrats and snowshoe hares to experimental infection with a chlamydial agent.muskrats (ondatra zibethicus) and snowshoe hares (lepus americanus) were exposed experimentally by various routes to a chlamydial agent (designated strain m56) originally isolated during a die-off of muskrats and snowshoe hares which occurred in saskatchewan during 1961. both species were susceptible to experimental infection. whereas m56 was highly lethal for snowshoe hares (18 deaths/19 exposed), it was less virulent for muskrats (6 deaths/20 exposed). the degree of susceptibility of muskrats ...19704246008
lyme disease spirochetes in ticks collected from birds in midwestern united a tick-spirochete survey conducted from all 1989 through fall 1992 in north-western wisconsin, 4,256 birds (composed of 91 species) were examined for ticks. infestations were recorded for 400 birds (composed of 30 species). of 1,184 ticks taken from 335 birds (composed of 26 species), 60 (5%) haemaphysalis leporispalustris (packard) from 8 species of birds were infected with the lyme disease spirochete. borrelia burgdorferi johnson, schmid, hyde, steigerwalt & brenner. similar surveys conduct ...19968667384
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