
campylobacter jejuni infection in colorado: unexplained excess of cases in males.between january 1, 1981, and december 31, 1982, the colorado department of health received reports of 1,185 culture-confirmed cases of campylobacter jejuni infection. incidence rates were highest among infants less than 1 year old and among persons aged 20-29 years. the distribution of cases by sex showed a predominance among males at all ages except 40-59 years, the most marked predominance occurring in infants under 1 year. the higher rates for males were also significant for all ages combined ...19853923544
fatalities associated with campylobacter jejuni infections.although campylobacter jejuni is now recognized as a common cause of gastroenteritis, fatalities associated with this infection in the united states have not been previously reported. two fatalities associated with c jejuni infections occurred over a two-year period in the denver metropolitan area. the first case was in a previously healthy 26-year-old woman who died following a two-day diarrheal illness. the second case was in a 69-year-old diabetic woman who died 19 hours after developing a ga ...19853989964
endemic campylobacter jejuni infection in colorado: identified risk factors.a study of persons with laboratory-confirmed sporadic campylobacter jejuni infection and of controls matched for age and sex in colorado in the summer of 1981 yielded odds ratio estimates significantly greater than 1 for the following risk factors: drinking raw water (10.74), drinking raw milk (6.93), eating undercooked chicken (2.77), and living in a household with a cat (3.21).19846696155
isolation of campylobacter fetus subsp jejuni from zoo animals.over a 1-year period, 619 fecal specimens from animals at the denver zoo were cultured for campylobacter fetus subsp jejuni. the organism was isolated from 35 animals, including 12 primates, 2 felids, a red panda, 13 hooved animals, 6 birds, and 1 reptile. of 44 cultured fecal specimens from diarrheal animals, 31.8% were positive for campylobacter, whereas only 5.6% of 575 specimens from animals without diarrhea were positive (p less than 0.001). among 25 isolates tested, 12 serotypes were repre ...19816799468
serologic study of two clusters of infection due to campylobacter jejuni.the serologic responses to campylobacter jejuni in persons involved in two clusters of infection and in control subjects were studied. in the first cluster, in which previously unexposed persons drank raw milk, the attack rate was high and elevated complement-fixing (cf) and specific igg and igm antibodies were demonstrated. in the second cluster, involving farmers who chronically drank raw milk, the attack rate was low, but titers of cf and igg antibodies were high in both affected and unaffect ...19836842019
prevalence of enteric zoonotic organisms in determine prevalence of enteric zoonotic organisms in cats in north-central colorado.200010707683
prevalence of enteric pathogens in dogs of north-central evaluate the prevalence of enteric pathogens in dogs of north-central colorado, fecal samples were obtained from client-owned dogs presented to the veterinary teaching hospital at colorado state university for evaluation of acute small-bowel, large-bowel, or mixed-bowel diarrhea (n=71) and from age-matched, client-owned, healthy dogs (n=59). infectious agents potentially associated with gastrointestinal disease were detected in 34 of 130 (26.1%) fecal samples. agents with zoonotic potential w ...200312549614
clinical microbiology laboratories' adoption of culture-independent diagnostic tests is a threat to foodborne-disease surveillance in the united states.introductionin november 2015, the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) sent a letter to state and territorial epidemiologists, state and territorial public health laboratory directors, and state and territorial health officials. in this letter, culture-independent diagnostic tests (cidts) for detection of enteric pathogens were characterized as "a serious and current threat to public health surveillance, particularly for shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli (stec) and salmonella" t ...201727795338
binational outbreak of guillain-barré syndrome associated with campylobacter jejuni infection, mexico and usa, june 2011, a cluster of suspected cases of guillain-barré syndrome (gbs), which can follow campylobacter jejuni infection, was identified in san luis río colorado (slrc), sonora, mexico and yuma county, arizona, usa. an outbreak investigation identified 26 patients (18 from sonora, eight from arizona) with onset of gbs 4 may-21 july 2011, exceeding the expected number of cases (n = 1-2). twenty-one (81%) patients reported antecedent diarrhoea, and 61% of 18 patients tested were seropositive f ...201423924442
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