
the serotype distribution of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli isolated from patients with diarrhoea and controls at tikur anbassa hospital, addis ababa, ethiopia.sixty-eight isolates of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli isolated from patients with diarrhoea (n = 630) and controls (n = 220) at tikur anbassa hospital, addis ababa, ethiopia were serotyped on the basis of the heat-labile (hl) and the heat-stable (hs) antigens, by using 16 and 34 antisera, respectively, for the two methods. with the antisera against heat labile antigens, 89.3% of the c. jejuni and 75% of the c. coli were typable. the hl serotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were the most common amo ...19979129584
studies on enteric campylobacteriosis in tikur anbessa and ethio-swedish children's hospital, addis ababa, ethiopia.between february 1992 and january 1993 different campylobacter spp. were isolated from 86 (13.7%) of 630 patients with diarrhoea at tikur anbessa and ethio-swedish children's hospital, addis ababa, ethiopia. in the same study population, shigella spp. were found in 11.7% and salmonella spp. in 3.8%. campylobacter spp. were found in all age groups, but the majority were isolated from children less than five years of age (68.6%). only 2 (0.9%) of 220 controls had campylobacter in their stools. of ...199911957308
prevalence of helicobacter pylori infection among adult dyspeptic patients in developing countries such as ethiopia, where chronic gastritis and peptic-ulcer disease are the most common endoscopic findings, it is important to study the association between helicobacter pylori infection and gastroduodenal diseases. both invasive and non-invasive diagnostic methods were therefore used to investigate 300, consecutive, adult patients with dyspepsia, from the gastrointestinal clinic of tikur anbassa university hospital, addis ababa. the apparent overall prevalence of h. pylo ...200415035728
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