
occupational risk of human parvovirus b19 infection for school and day-care personnel during an outbreak of erythema infectiosum.human parvovirus b19, the cause of erythema infectiosum, has recently been associated with adverse fetal outcomes. during a large outbreak of erythema infectiosum in connecticut, a survey was conducted on 571 (90%) of 634 school and day-care personnel to determine the risk of acquiring b19 infection. serologic evidence of b19 infection was determined by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. of the school and day-care personnel, 58% had evidence of previous b19 infection. the minimal rate o ...19902157074
occupational risk factors for infection with parvovirus b19 among pregnant identify exposures associated with parvovirus b19 infection during pregnancy, two groups of pregnant women were studied during an outbreak of erythema infectiosum (ei). of 796 pregnant women from connecticut who were tested serologically because of perceived exposure to b19, 53% (419/796) had serologic evidence of previous b19 infection, and 6% (23/376) of the rest had evidence of recent infection. of 121 pregnant women who had not requested testing but who lived in a community where a large ...19911846391
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