
incidence of antibody for hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus in serums from swine in the united states.serums prepared from blood collected from swine in arizona, florida, georgia, hawaii, iowa, maine, new hampshire, oregon, vermont, and washington were examined by the hemagglutination-inhibition (hi) test for antibody to hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus (hev). antibody was detected in serums from swine in each of the states except maine, new hampshire, and vermont. the frequency of antibody ranged from 10.9% (6 of 55) with serums from swine in oregon, to 98.6% (71 of 72) with serums from ...1975807134
trichinosis in bears in northeastern united states. 19715104405
an outbreak of yersinia enterocolitica o:8 infections associated with pasteurized october 1995, an outbreak of yersinia enterocolitica o:8 infections occurred in the upper valley of vermont and new hampshire. ten patients were identified, median age 9 years (range, 6 months-44 years). three patients were hospitalized; 1 underwent an appendectomy. consumption of bottled pasteurized milk from a local dairy was associated with illness (matched odds ratio undefined; lower 95% confidence interval, 1.9). no deficiencies in pasteurization procedures or equipment were detected. y. ...200010823796
a cohort study of preventive health behavior: swine flu vaccination acceptance in vermont. 19807439471
tularemia epidemic--vermont, 1968. 19695349815
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