
control and eradication of chelonian tick infestations, with particular reference to vectors of heartwater.studies using the african tortoise tick (amblyomma marmoreum) and leopard tortoises (geochelone pardalis) demonstrated that cyfluthrin and permethrin were safe and efficacious acaricides for control of amblyomma ticks on tortoises. a protocol was developed that successfully eradicated an a. sparsum infestation from a tortoise breeding facility in florida. it involved treatment of all tortoises with a permethrin formulation, followed by treatment of the premises with a cyfluthrin formulation. sen ...200212381608
evidence of cowdria ruminantium infection (heartwater) in amblyomma sparsum ticks found on tortoises imported into florida.amblyomma marmoreum and a. sparsum ticks were collected from tortoises imported into florida from africa and were tested for cowdria ruminantium infection using a c. ruminantium-specific pcs20 polymerase chain reaction assay. in i shipment imported from zambia, 15 of the 38 a. sparsum male ticks collected from the leopard tortoises (geochelone pardalis) were found to be positive for infection with c. ruminantium. in contrast, all 148 a. marmoreum tested were negative for c. ruminantium infection ...200011128494
establishment of the tortoise tick amblyomma marmoreum (acari: ixodidae) on a reptile-breeding facility in florida.the tortoise tick amblyomma marmoreum koch was found to be established on a reptile facility in central florida. over a 5-mo period, 443 ticks were collected from tortoises, dogs, and vegetation. collections from hosts were primarily from 3 species of exotic tortoises, including leopard tortoises, aldabra tortoises, and yellow-footed tortoises. the total numbers of ticks present, the presence of all life stages, and the slow development of this species indicate that this is not a recent infestat ...19989775582
introduction of potential heartwater vectors and other exotic ticks into florida on imported reptiles.following the discovery of establishment of the african tortoise tick amblyomma marmoreum in florida, the present study was undertaken to determine the extent of introduction of exotic ticks into florida on imported reptiles. exotic ticks were identified on 29 (91%) of 32 reptile premises in 18 counties of florida. the ticks, found on a variety of imported tortoises, snakes, and monitor lizards, belonged to 4 amblyomma species (a. marmoreum, amblyomma nuttalli, amblyomma sabanerae, and amblyomma ...200010958443
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