
precipitating antibodies in a midwest dairy farming population toward the antigens associated with farmer's lung disease.a survey of the frequency of precipitins to the antigens of the thermophilic actinomycetes and aspergillus species was conducted on serum samples from 1,045 farmers obtained at a 3-day exposition on modern farm equipment and farming practices in central wisconsin. each farmer filled out a questionnaire including socioeconomic information, lung disease history, exposure history, and smoking history. precipitins were detected by the double-diffusion method. the antigen panel included eight thermop ...1976932340
incidence of serum precipitins against organic-dust antigens in different populations by counterimmunoelectrophoresis.the incidence of serum antidust and antifungal precipitins was determined by counterimmunoelectrophoresis in 317 atopic and nonatopic subjects of three geographic areas (north central, southern, and western united states). the selected lyophilized crude antigens employed were from house dust, micropolyspora faeni, candida albicans, alternaria tenuis, aspergillus fumigatus, puccinia coronata, cantharellus cibarius, and amborsia trifida. antidust precipitins were detected with high frequency in at ...19751192851
circulating igg antibodies against fungal and actinomycete antigens in the sera of farmer's lung patients from different countries.sixty-nine farmer's lung patients and 28 normal controls from four countries (finland, switzerland, canada and the united states) were investigated for antibody levels against 13 antigens commonly used for the screening panel for hypersensitivity pneumonitis. of these antigens, eight were from the medical college of wisconsin (united states) and five were from the university of kuopio (finland). igg antibodies against these antigens were studied in 97 sera using a sensitive biotin-avidin-linked ...19873299100
precipitating antibodies to farmer's lung antigens in a wisconsin farming population.the prevalence of farmer's lung disease and antibodies to farmer's lung antigens were studied in a probability sample of over 1,400 farmers in north central wisconsin. the prevalence rate of farmer's lung disease was 4.2 per 1,000 farmers. the most prevalent antibody type was directed against micropolyspora faeni, with 6% of the study population precipitin-positive. prevalence of antibodies to m. faeni was associated with dairy farming, larger farms, and larger dairy herds. an additive effect of ...19817027852
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