
hepatitis b (hbv), hepatitis c (hcv) and hepatitis delta (hdv) viruses in the colombian population-how is the epidemiological situation?viral hepatitis b, c and delta still remain a serious problem worldwide. in colombia, data from 1980s described that hbv and hdv infection are important causes of hepatitis, but little is known about hcv infection. the aim of this study was to determine the currently frequency of hbv, hcv and hdv in four different colombian regions.201121559488
hepatitis d virus and hepatitis b virus infection in amerindian communities of the amazonas state, colombia, cases of hepatitis d virus (hdv) infection have been officially described since 1985 mainly in amerindian population from sierra nevada de santa marta (north caribbean coast), uraba (north west), and amazon (south east). the last official report of a clinical case of hdv infection in colombia was registered in 2005.201526497287
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