
infections with hepatitis b and c viruses in patients on maintenance dialysis in romania and in former communist countries: yellow spots on a blank map?we studied prospectively, between 1993 and 1998, the prevalence and incidence of markers against hepatitis b virus (hbv), hepatitis c virus (hcv) and hepatitis d virus (hdv), in 180 patients with chronic renal failure, dialysed in the nephrological clinic, cluj. hbv and hcv markers were common in the patients who were already on haemodialysis in 1993 (antibodies to hepatitis b core antigen [hbcab]: 57.9-88%; hepatitis b surface antigen [hbsag]: 8.7-25%; antibodies to hcv [anti-hcv]: 73.7-100%; s ...200010886543
[the role of the hepatitis b, c and d viruses in the etiology of chronic hepatopathies in cluj].we studied the prevalence of viral hepatitis b, c and d markers in chronic hepatopathies from cluj.19957549253
[the markers of hepatitis b, c and d viral infection in multiply transfused patients].we aimed to assess the seroprevalence of hbv, hcv and hdv virus markers in multi-transfused patients from cluj-napoca.19957549251
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