
a pathologic study of wild turkeys in connecticut.during the 1984 to 1986 spring hunting seasons in connecticut, viscera from 300 hunter-killed wild turkeys and blood samples from live-trapped wild turkeys were examined in order to establish a health profile on the state's wild turkey population. seven species of endoparasites were recovered from 224 (75%) of 300 birds: metroliasthes lucida, ascaridia dissimilis, heterakis gallinarum, syngamus trachea, capillaria species, trichomonas gallinarum, and eimeria species. the most prevalent parasites ...19883168472
prospective studies of a group of yale university freshmen. ii. occurrence of acute respiratory infections and rubella. 19714329527
mycoplasma mycoides var, capri isolated from a goat in connecticut. 19694975672
vaginitis in sexually active women: relationship to nine sexually transmitted organisms.women seen for symptoms suggestive of vulvovaginitis were studied for the detection of mycoplasma hominis. ureaplasma urealyticum, yeast, neisseria gonorrhoeae, chlamydia trachomatis, gardnerella vaginalis, herpes simplex virus, group b beta-hemolytic streptococci, aerobes, anaerobes, and trichomonas vaginalis. asymptomatic women who reported to be sexually active and agreed to undergo comprehensive genital cultures were used as controls. there was a significant association of vulvovaginitis wit ...19826280502
suppurative polyarthritis in striped skunks (mephitis mephitis) from cape cod, massachusetts: detection of mycoplasma dna.striped skunks (mephitis mephitis) from cape cod, massachusetts, u.s.a. were necropsied (n=34; 1995-1997) or clinically evaluated (n=25, 2002-2003) to characterize a lameness and polyarthritis, reported by wildlife veterinarians and rehabilitators, and unsuccessfully treated with antibiotics. overall, 22 affected skunks had one or multiple swollen joints, swollen paws, and subcutaneous abscesses. purulent exudate was located in joint spaces, in periarticular connective tissue between muscle fasc ...200717939347
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