
high mortality in goats associated with the isolation of a strain of mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides (large colony type).a goat pleuropneumonia outbreak occurring in a herd of 800 animals in the province of ciudad real, spain, is described in this paper. severe respiratory signs and high mortality were the most significant clinical observations. the adult goats presented mainly respiratory symptoms and/or mastitis, whereas the young animals died showing arthritis and/or keratoconjunctivitis. the most significant lesions were found in the thoracic cavity. a focal extensive fibrinonecrotic pleuropneumonia was macros ...19958594844
antibodies to selected viral and bacterial pathogens in european wild boars from southcentral spain.serum samples from 78 european wild boars (sus scrofa) harvested during the 1999-2000 hunting season were tested for antibodies to brucella spp., classical swine fever virus, erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, haemophilus parasuis, leptospira interrogans serovar pomona, mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, pseudorabies virus (prv), porcine parvovirus (ppv), porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, salmonella serogroups b, c, and d, streptococcus suis, and swine influenza virus (siv) serotypes h1n1 a ...200212238391
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