
[prevalence of the hiv infection and five other sexually-transmitted infections among sex workers in niamey, niger].we performed a systematic screening of hiv infection and five other sexually transmitted infections on a consecutive sample of 529 female sex workers from niamey. hiv seroprevalence rate was 30.1%, with hiv-1 profile in 93.1% of the cases. for curable sti, 4.7% of women had treponematosis, 7% gonorrhoea, 16.8% gardnerella vaginalis, 36.9% mycoplasma hominis and 68.2% chlamydia trachomatis infection. the percentage of women with at least one sti was significantly higher in hiv positive's: 95.6% a ...200616568677
[presence of a prokaryote of the genus haemobartonella tyzzer and weinman, 1939, in the blood of nigerians in the niamey region].the hemograms of 97 bed-riddens in very bad conditions reveal the presence (74 more or less infected but 6 heavily) of cocci, rots, rings, commas, coloured by may-grünwald and giemsa stain against the cell membrane wall of the erythrocyts and sometimes free in the blood plasma. this procaryotic element is the same agent of the canine, feline, equine and cuniculine haemobartonellosis in niger. principal symptoms are general weariness, anaemia, arthralgies, dizziness, anguish, suffocation crisis. ...1978755536
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