
urethritis in white men--a microbiological appraisal.the incidence of infections with neisseria gonorrhoeae, chlamydia trachomatis and mycoplasmas has been assessed in white men with urethritis who were attending a johannesburg clinic for sexually transmitted diseases. infection with n. gonorrhoeae was demonstrated in 54% of 212 patients with urethritis. c. trachomatis was isolated from 37% of patients with non-gonococcal urethritis, and from 25% with proven gonococcal infection. although t-mycoplasmas were isolated significantly more often from p ...1977406683
etiology and sti/hiv coinfections among patients with urethral and vaginal discharge syndromes in south africa.this study was undertaken to establish the etiology of the male urethral discharge (muds) and vaginal discharge (vds) syndromes, to determine the prevalence of other sexually transmitted infections (sti) and human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) coinfections, and to examine associations between stis and hiv serostatus among sti patients in south africa.201020502394
diagnosis of feline haemoplasma infection using a real-time pcr assay.haemobartonella felis has been reclassified within the genus mycoplasma as mycoplasma haemofelis and 'candidatus mycoplasma haemominutum', collectively referred to as the feline haemoplasmas. a total of 78 cats from the johannesburg area that had blood samples submitted to a private veterinary laboratory were tested using a real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay able to detect and distinguish the two feline haemoplasma (basonym haemobartonella) species. all samples had been diagnosed wi ...200415456166
the detection of urethritis pathogens among patients with the male urethritis syndrome, genital ulcer syndrome and hiv voluntary counselling and testing clients: should south africa's syndromic management approach be revised?to determine the prevalence of urethritis pathogens amongst male symptomatic urethritis (mus) patients, genital ulcer (gus) patients without urethritis symptoms and men requesting hiv testing at a voluntary counselling and testing (vct) clinic.200818192290
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