
cysticerci (cestoda: taeniidae) from white-tailed deer, odocoileus virginianus, in southern florida.metacestodes (cysticerci) of taenia omissa lühe, 1910, and taenia hydatigena pallas, 1776, were found in 9 and 1 of 124 white-tailed deer, respectively, in southern florida in 1984-1986. intensities of t. omissa varied from 1 to 15 (mean = 4.6); only 1 cysticercus of t. hydatigena was collected. no significant difference in the prevalences of t. omissa according to sex, age, or locality was observed.19902380871
gastrointestinal helminths of free-ranging florida panthers (puma concolor coryi) and the efficacy of the current anthelmintic treatment protocol.thirty-five florida panthers (puma concolor coryi [bangs, 1899]) collected from six counties in southern florida between 1978 and 2003 were examined at necropsy for gastrointestinal helminths. the panthers were placed into two groups: 1) treated with anthelmintics (n = 17), and 2) untreated (n = 18). nine species of helminths (one trematode, six nematodes, and two cestodes) were identified in the untreated panthers. the most prevalent helminths were alaria marcianae (larue, 1917) (100%), spirome ...200616870865
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