
enteric pathogens in intensively reared veal calves.observations were made on development of diarrhea in special-fed calves (n = 460) on 8 commercial facilities during 2 successive 16-week production cycles at weeks 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 16. a total of 23% were affected, with peak number of calves with diarrhea observed at week 0. suspected enteropathogens were identified in 86% of these calves, most commonly cryptosporidia, coronavirus, and rotavirus. identified potential zoonotic pathogens included giardia and salmonella spp and verotoxigenic esc ...19947879973
surveys for disease agents in introduced elk in arkansas and kentucky.surveys for disease agents were conducted in introduced free-ranging elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni) in arkansas and kentucky. elk had been captured in colorado and nebraska and released in arkansas during 1981-1985. from 1997 through 2002 elk were captured in arizona, kansas, north dakota, new mexico, oregon, and utah and released in southeastern kentucky. specimens were collected from 170 hunter-killed elk in arkansas during 1998-2006, and 44 elk in kentucky during 2001-2004. significant findings ...201020090032
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