a short incubation serum neutralization test for bovine viral diarrhea virus. | a three day serum neutralization (sn) test for the detection of antibodies to bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv), which is an improvement on the existing five day test, is described. the improved test results in a more rapid viral cytopathic effect and utilizes madin darby kidney (mdbk) cells, and horse serum as a medium supplement. a comparison of tests utilizing the nadl and the singer strains of bvdv and the use of either secondary bovine kidney cells with calf serum (bkcs) or continuous mdbk ... | 1992 | 1317246 |
the frequency, distribution and effects of antibodies, to seven putative respiratory pathogens, on respiratory disease and weight gain in feedlot calves in ontario. | during 1983-85, 279 calves requiring treatment for bovine respiratory disease and 290 comparison (control) animals from 15 different groups of feedlot calves were bled on arrival and again at 28 days postarrival. their sera were then analyzed for antibodies to seven putative respiratory pathogens. on arrival, the prevalences of indirect agglutination titers to pasteurella haemolytica, p. haemolytica cytotoxin, mycoplasma bovis and m. dispar were greater than 50%, the prevalence of titers to bovi ... | 1989 | 2766158 |
diseases and pathogens associated with mortality in ontario beef feedlots. | this study determined the prevalence of diseases and pathogens associated with mortality or severe morbidity in 72 ontario beef feedlots in calves that died or were euthanized within 60 days after arrival. routine pathologic and microbiologic investigations, as well as immunohistochemical staining for detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv) antigen, were performed on 99 calves that died or were euthanized within 60 days after arrival. major disease conditions identified included fibrinos ... | 2006 | 16566254 |
seroprevalence of bovine viral diarrhea virus neutralizing antibodies in finisher hogs in ontario swine herds and targeted diagnostic testing of 2 suspect herds. | a pilot study was initiated to determine the seroprevalence of bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv) neutralizing antibodies in finisher hogs in ontario swine herds, including 2 swine herds with clinical syndromes suspicious of bvdv. no herds were positive for bvdv antibodies by virus neutralization. the 2 swine herds with clinical disease suggestive of pestivirus infection were also negative for antibodies to bvdv in indirect fluorescent antibody assays. prevalence of bvdv in ontario swine farms i ... | 2011 | 22654141 |
calf-level risk factors for neonatal diarrhea and shedding of cryptosporidium parvum in ontario dairy calves. | this work was conducted to investigate calf-level factors that influence the risk of neonatal diarrhea and shedding of cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in calves, on dairy farms in ontario with histories of calf diarrhea or cryptosporidiosis. fecal samples were collected weekly for 4 weeks from each of 1045 calves under 30 days of age on 11 dairy farms in south-western ontario during the summer of 2003 and the winter of 2004. a questionnaire designed to gather information on calf-level management ... | 2007 | 17602767 |
bovine viral diarrhea virus in alpaca: abortion and persistent infection. | an alpaca herd in eastern ontario experienced vague signs of illness, including anorexia and lethargy in 9 animals, 2.5 months after the addition of a chronically ill cria and his dam to the farm. subsequently 2 alpaca had early pregnancy loss; one aborted at 5.5 months gestation and the other at 7 months gestation. seventeen were found to have serum antibody to bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv), with highest titers to bvdv type 1. the fetus that was aborted at 5.5 months gestation, 3 months af ... | 2005 | 16475521 |
morphologic lesions in type 2 bvdv infections experimentally induced by strain bvdv2-1373 recovered from a field case. | widespread outbreaks of severe acute bvdv, some associated with hemorrhagic syndrome (hs), were reported in quebec and ontario in 1993. these outbreaks caused significant economic hardship in infected herds. in the ontario outbreak 150 dairy, 600 beef and 100 milk and grain fed veal herds were affected with losses estimated at $40000-$10000 per herd in lost animals, milk production, abortions and genetics. fever, pneumonia, diarrhea, and sudden death occurred in all age groups of cattle. abortio ... | 2000 | 11042409 |
severe acute bovine viral diarrhea in ontario, 1993-1995. | in 1993, noncytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv) strains with enhanced virulence caused unprecedented outbreaks of severe acute bovine viral diarrhea (bvd) in dairy, beef, and veal herds in ontario (canada). fever, pneumonia, diarrhea, and sudden death occurred in all age groups of cattle. abortions often occurred in pregnant animals. gross lesions in the alimentary tract were similar to those associated with mucosal disease, especially in animals >6 months of age. cattle of all age gro ... | 1998 | 9526857 |