
aspects of variation in cranial characters of plains bison (bison bison bison linnaeus) from elk island national park, alberta. 1975171329
capture myopathy in elk in alberta, canada: a report of three cases.acute capture myopathy was diagnosed in 3 elk (cervus canadensis). in 2 of the elk, hindlimb lameness developed within 10 days of capture. clinical signs were not observed in the third elk, which was found dead 7 days after its capture. elks 1 and 2 were euthanatized and all 3 animals were necropsied. in elks 1 and 2, rupture of the semi-membranosus muscle was associated with massive hemorrhage and swelling. microscopic findings included hemorrhage, edema, myofibril fragmentation, and evidence o ...1977924867
mycobacterium bovis infection in human beings in contact with elk (cervus elaphus) in alberta, canada.human infection with mycobacterium bovis is rare in developed countries because of milk pasteurisation and the slaughter of infected cattle. an epizootic of m bovis infection in domesticated elk (cervus elaphus) in alberta, canada, which started in april, 1990, prompted us to seek human contacts of elk herds. there were 446 identified contacts, in 394 of whom tuberculin skin tests were done. of 81 contacts who were skin-test positive, 50 had been in contact with culture-positive animals. 6 of 10 ...19911682654
mycobacterium bovis infection in humans exposed to elk in alberta.the evidence of zoonotic transmission of m. bovis infection in the 1 veterinarian is confirmed by growth of the organism from his sputum 6 months after animal contact. the high rate of initial tuberculin reactivity and the skin test conversions of 6 persons in contact with culture-positive animals strongly suggest that further human infection has taken place. however, the lack of baseline testing on 48/81 test-positive individuals and the relatively high proportion of immigrants in some occupati ...19911841004
survey of hepatic and pulmonary helminths of wild cervids in alberta, canada.during the 1988 hunting season, livers and lungs from 263 mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus), 198 moose (alces alces), 147 white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), and 94 wapiti (cervus elaphus nelsoni) from alberta (canada) were collected for parasitological examination. most of the samples (89%) were submitted by big game hunters throughout the province. giant liver fluke (fascioloides magna) was found in 9% of 22 yearling and 29% of 65 adult wapiti; 4% of 161 adult moose; and 2% of 9 ...19902250321
diseases of wapiti utilizing cattle range in southwestern alberta.specimens from 28 wapiti (cervus elaphus canadensis) were collected by hunters in southwestern alberta in 1984. various tests were performed to detect infections and conditions that could affect cattle sharing the range or cause disease in wapiti. serum antibodies were present against leptospiral serovars autumnalis (25%), bratislava (4%), and icterohaemorrhagiae (8%), and the viruses of bovine virus diarrhea (52%), infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (45%), and parainfluenza type 3 (13%). no sero ...19873029443
micro-communication activities red deer college program. 19724484035
occupational exposure to mycobacterium bovis infection in deer and elk in late 1991, two herds of deer and elk were depopulated at a slaughtering plant in ontario, followed by processing of infected animals at a rendering plant. we conducted a questionnaire plus tuberculin skin-test survey of 104 exposed slaughtering and rendering plant workers, and government veterinarians and inspectors. overall, 17 participants were skin-test positive, one of 51 initially skin-test negative subjects tested a second time three months later became positive, consistent with the ris ...19947804937
an abattoir study of tuberculosis in a herd of farmed elk.the purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence and distribution of grossly visible lesions of tuberculosis in a herd of 344 north american elk (cervus elaphus) depopulated during a three-month period in 1991. abattoir inspection detected mycobacterial lesions in 134 (39.8%) of the 337 animals received for slaughter. the prevalence of lesions increased with the age of the animals. lesions were predominantly suppurative rather than caseous, and mineralization was less evident than in tube ...19947954222
the edmonton and red deer nursing program: collaborative model an update on implementation. 19948030390
red deer regional dietetic services program.the regional dietetic services program coordinated by the red deer regional hospital centre is described. the program became a reality in june 1978, in response to requests for professional dietetic assistance from the rural hospitals located in central alberta. the program objectives were defined, standards were determined, duties and responsibilities of red deer regional hospital centre (the 'agency') and the 'user' hospital were clarified, and a yearly contract was established. the dietetic c ...198410268687
red deer regional hospital centre, red deer, alberta. 198510274849
regional hospital improves efficiency with co-generation retrofit.feasibility analysis of the co-generation retrofit of the red deer regional hospital pointed to a reasonable payback of capital cost and increased efficiency in operation of the facility. budget restrictions nearly stopped the project from proceeding. innovative construction procedures proposed by the facility management group, in particular, mr keith metcalfe, director of maintenance, allowed a worthwhile project to reach successful completion. we feel that this model can perhaps be used by sim ...199910747721
the epidemiology of childhood asthma in red deer and medicine hat, document the prevalence of asthma among school-aged children in two alberta communities, to understand host and indoor environmental factors associated with asthma, and to compare these factors between the two communities.200111420589
elk restoration in ontario, canada: infectious disease management strategy, 1998-2001.ontario has embarked upon a program to restore elk (cervus elaphus) that were once native to that province. a comprehensive disease-management strategy has ensured that elk are free of infectious diseases such as brucellosis and tuberculosis prior to shipment to ontario. postmortem analysis occurs on elk mortalities in ontario to ensure that elk are not infected with diseases such as chronic wasting disease and tuberculosis. between 1998 and 2001, a total of 443 elk were transported from elk isl ...200212381618
the first canadian indigenous case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bse) has molecular characteristics for prion protein that are similar to those of bse in the united kingdom but differ from those of chronic wasting disease in captive elk and deer.brain tissue from a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bse) from alberta was subjected to a western immunoblotting technique to ascertain the molecular profile of any disease-specific, abnormal prion protein, that is, prion protein that is protease-resistant (prp(res)). this technique can discriminate between isolates from bse, ovine scrapie, and sheep experimentally infected with bse. isolates of brain tissue from the bse case in alberta, 3 farmed elk with chronic wasting disease (cwd) f ...200415532881
accumulation of selenium and lack of severe effects on productivity of american dippers (cinclus mexicanus) and spotted sandpipers (actitis macularia).selenium has been found at elevated concentrations in water, sediments, and aquatic biota in the elk river (british columbia, canada) and some of its tributaries downstream of several coal mines. selenium water concentrations in those areas exceed canadian and british columbia guidelines and are above levels at which adverse effects to fish and waterfowl could occur. we compared selenium concentrations in the eggs of two riverine waterbirds, american dippers and spotted sandpipers, with measures ...200515750773
prescribed burning effects on summer elk forage availability in the subalpine zone, banff national park, canada.the effects of prescribed burning on forage abundance and suitability for elk (cervus elaphus) during the snow-free season was evaluated in east-central banff national park, canada. six coniferous forest and mixed shrub-herb plant communities (n=144 plots), and 5223ha of burned (n=131) vegetation <12 years old were sampled using a stratified semi-random design. sampling units represented various combinations of vegetation, terrain conditions, and stand ages that were derived from digital biophys ...200516102891
herpesvirus infection in woodland caribou in alberta, canada.sera and genital swabs collected from 121 adult woodland caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou) in five subpopulations in northern alberta, canada, between december 1997 and october 1999, were examined for evidence of infection with herpesviruses or pestiviruses. no virus was isolated from sera or swabs, and no antibodies against bovine viral diarrhea virus were detected. however, 63 (52%) of the 121 animals had neutralizing antibody titers against bovine herpesvirus 1. there was sufficient serum f ...200516456173
epidemiological characteristics of an invading parasite: dicrocoelium dendriticum in sympatric wapiti and beef cattle in southern alberta, canada.previous surveys of wild ungulates indicate that the liver fluke, dicrocoelium dendriticum, was rare in the cypress hills area of southeastern alberta. however, 41 of 59 wapiti (cervus elaphus) sampled during the 2003 and 2004 hunting seasons from this region were infected, with 7 hosts containing >1,000 worms. prevalence and mean intensity were similarly high in sympatric beef cattle and mule deer. worm abundance in wapiti was age related, with calves containing significantly higher numbers of ...200717626339
the geography of conflict between elk and agricultural values in the cypress hills, canada.complex ecological issues like depredation and its management are determined by multiple factors acting at more than one scale and are interlinked with complex human social and economic behaviour. depredation by wild herbivores can be a major obstacle to agricultural community support for wildlife conservation. for three decades, crop and fence damage, competition with livestock for native rangeland and tame pasture, and depredation of stored feed by elk (cervus elaphus canadensis) have been the ...200918082311
changes in population, growth, and physiological indices of longnose dace (rhinichthys cataractae) in the red deer river, alberta, canada.the red deer river, alberta, canada is a prairie river that is impacted by the point-source input of red deer's municipal wastewater effluent and non-point- source agricultural runoff. we used population, growth, and physiological performance end points in longnose dace (rhinichthys cataractae), an endemic and abundant minnow, to evaluate changes in fish health over a 220 km section of the red deer river. longnose dace immediately downstream of red deer had elevated catch per unit effort with la ...200818322724
optimizing the logistics of anaerobic digestion of manure.electrical power production from the combustion of biogas from anaerobic digestion (ad) of manure is a means of recovering energy from animal waste. we evaluate the lowest cost method of moving material to and from centralized ad plants serving multiple confined feeding operations. two areas are modeled, lethbridge county, alberta, canada, an area of concentrated beef cattle feedlots, and red deer county, alberta, a mixed-farming area with hog, dairy, chicken and beef cattle farms, and feedlots. ...200718478421
chronic wasting disease (cwd) potential economic impact on cervid farming in alberta.chronic wasting disease (cwd) was found in wild deer populations in the province of alberta, canada, in 2005, and there is concern that this finding could create significant costs related to the farmed elk and deer industry. these potential costs or "values at risk" can be used to assess the economic returns from cwd containment and eradication programs. cost estimates of cwd to cervid farms range from $12 million for additional farm fencing to hundreds of millions of dollars in payments by gove ...200919697234
bovine tuberculosis in canadian wildlife: an updated history.mycobacterium bovis infection in wild animals attracted little attention in canada until the disease was almost eliminated from domestic livestock. tuberculosis was endemic in plains bison and occurred in elk, moose, and mule deer in buffalo national park (bnp), alberta during the 1920s and 1930s. bison were moved from bnp to wood buffalo national park (wbnp), where tuberculosis became, and remains, endemic in bison, posing a risk to efforts to restore bison in northern canada. tuberculosis was ...200920119541
trade-offs between predation risk and forage differ between migrant strategies in a migratory between predation risk and forage fundamentally drive resource selection by animals. among migratory ungulates, trade-offs can occur at large spatial scales through migration, which allows an "escape" from predation, but trade-offs can also occur at finer spatial scales. previous authors suggest that ungulates will avoid predation risk at the largest scale, although few studies have examined multi-scale trade-offs to test for the relative benefits of risk avoidance across scales. buil ...200920120812
are migrant and resident elk (cervus elaphus) exposed to similar forage and predation risk on their sympatric winter range?partially migratory populations, where one portion of a population conducts seasonal migrations (migrants) while the other remains on a single range (residents), are common in ungulates. studies that assess trade-offs between migratory strategies typically compare the amount of predation risk and forage resources migrants and residents are exposed to only while on separate ranges and assume both groups intermix completely while on sympatric ranges. here we provide one of the first tests of this ...201020372929
temporal autocorrelation functions for movement rates from global positioning system radiotelemetry data.autocorrelation has been viewed as a problem in telemetry studies because sequential observations are not independent in time or space, therefore violating assumptions for statistical inference. yet nearly all ecological and behavioural data are autocorrelated in both space and time. we argue that there is much to learn about the structure of ecological and behavioural data from patterns of autocorrelation. such patterns include periodicity in movement and patchiness in spatial data, which can b ...201020566498
pathogens at the livestock-wildlife interface in western alberta: does transmission route matter?in southwestern alberta, interactions between beef cattle and free-ranging elk (cervus elaphus) may provide opportunities for pathogen transmission. to assess the importance of the transmission route on the potential for interspecies transmission, we conducted a cross-sectional study on four endemic livestock pathogens with three different transmission routes: bovine viral diarrhea virus and bovine herpesvirus 1 (predominantly direct transmission), mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (ma ...201424517283
statistical evaluation of a commercial neospora caninum competitive elisa in the absence of a gold standard: application to wild elk (cervus elaphus) in alberta.neospora caninum is an important abortive agent of domestic ruminants, but few diagnostic tools are available to reliably assess the exposure of wild cervid species such as elk (cervus elaphus) to this pathogen, which limits our ability to understand their role in the life cycle of this parasite. in the absence of a gold standard test or panels of samples from individuals of known infection status, classical laboratory-based validation methods are not applicable. however, there are a number of s ...201424861013
origin of dermacentor albipictus (acari: ixodidae) on elk in the yukon, canada.winter ticks (dermacentor albipictus) on elk (cervus elaphus canadensis) have recently increased in numbers in the yukon, canada, potentially posing risks to other indigenous host species in the region. to evaluate the regional source of winter ticks in the yukon, we sequenced one nuclear (its-2) and two mitochondrial (16srrna and coi) genes, and genotyped 14 microsatellite loci from 483 winter tick specimens collected across north america. we analyzed genetic variation across the geographic and ...201424779459
what attracts elk onto cattle pasture? implications for inter-species disease southwest alberta, beef cattle and wild elk (cervus elaphus) have similar habitat preferences. understanding their inter-species contact structure is important for assessing the risk of pathogen transmission between them. these spatio-temporal patterns of interactions are shaped, in part, by range management and environmental factors affecting elk distribution. in this study, resource selection modeling was used to identify factors influencing elk presence on cattle pasture and elk selection ...201425218913
consequences of a refuge for the predator-prey dynamics of a wolf-elk system in banff national park, alberta, canada.refugia can affect predator-prey dynamics via movements between refuge and non-refuge areas. we examine the influence of a refuge on population dynamics in a large mammal predator-prey system. wolves (canis lupus) have recolonized much of their former range in north america, and as a result, ungulate prey have exploited refugia to reduce predation risk with unknown impacts on wolf-prey dynamics. we examined the influence of a refuge on elk (cervus elaphus) and wolf population dynamics in banff n ...201424670632
behavioural flexibility in migratory behaviour in a long-lived large herbivore.migratory animals are predicted to enhance lifetime fitness by obtaining higher quality forage and/or reducing predation risk compared to non-migratory conspecifics. despite evidence for behavioural flexibility in other taxa, previous research on large mammals has often assumed that migratory behaviour is a fixed behavioural trait. migratory behaviour may be plastic for many species, although few studies have tested for individual-level flexibility using long-term monitoring of marked individual ...201626790111
comparisons of airborne measurements and inventory estimates of methane emissions in the alberta upstream oil and gas sector.airborne measurements of methane emissions from oil and gas infrastructure were completed over two regions of alberta, canada. these top-down measurements were directly compared with region-specific bottom-up inventories that utilized current industry-reported flaring and venting volumes (reported data) and quantitative estimates of unreported venting and fugitive sources. for the 50 × 50 km measurement region near red deer, characterized by natural gas and light oil production, measured methane ...201729039181
characteristics of air quality and sources affecting fine particulate matter (pm2.5) levels in the city of red deer, canada.with concern about levels and exceedances of canadian and provincial standards and objectives for fine particulate matter (pm2.5) in recent years, an investigation of air quality characteristics and potential local and long-range sources influencing pm2.5 concentrations was undertaken in the city of red deer, alberta. the study covered the period may 2009 to december 2015. comparatively higher concentrations of pm2.5 were observed in winter (mean: 11.6 μg/m3, median: 10 μg/m3) than in summer (me ...201727939625
characterization, thermochemical conversion studies, and heating value modeling of municipal solid waste.a study was carried out to examine the characteristics of municipal solid waste (msw) from the city of red deer, alberta, canada. experiments were performed for determining the moisture content, proximate and ultimate compositions, heating value of fourteen wastes in different categories. their thermal weight loss behaviors under pyrolysis/torrefaction conditions were also investigated in a thermogravimetric analyzer (tga). an empirical model was developed for the high heating value (hhv) estima ...201626445363
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