
distribution of suspected tick vectors and reported cases of rocky mountain spotted fever in california.evidence is presented for an area of human risk to rocky mountain spotted fever (rmsf) in california extending beyond the range of its classic tick vector, dermacentor andersoni. geographic, seasonal, and host distributions of dermacentor variabilis and dermacentor occidentalis suggest these species as potential vectors of rmsf in california outside the range of dermacentor andersoni.1976961695
lyme borreliosis in california. acarological, clinical, and epidemiological studies.the relative abundance of, and spirochetal-infection rates in, adult ixodid ticks from eight lyme borreliosis clinical-case areas and two comparison areas were investigated in northern california from late fall to early spring, 1984-87. the western black-legged tick (ixodes pacificus) was the most abundant species at seven of nine sites yielding specimens as determined with a tick drag method. the pacific coast tick (dermacentor occidentalis) was the most abundant species at two sites, and lesse ...19883263826
detection of the agents of human ehrlichioses in ixodid ticks from california.a study was conducted in northern california to estimate the prevalence and distribution in ixodid ticks of the rickettsial agents of human monocytic (hme) and human granulocytic (hge) ehrlichioses. more than 650 ixodid ticks were collected from 17 sites in six california counties over a 15-month period. ehrlichia chaffeensis, the causative agent of hme, was detected by a nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr) in ixodes pacificus (minimum infection rate [mir] = 13.3%) and dermacentor variabilis ...19999988324
ixodid ticks (acari, ixodidae) found in san diego county, san diego county, california, 11 species of ixodid ticks were collected from vegetation and/or from small and large mammals, and/or found parasitizing humans. adults of the pacific coast tick, dermacentor occidentalis, were the most abundant tick collected from vegetation, with peak numbers occurring during march and april. adults of the western black-legged tick, ixodes pacificus, were the second most abundant, with peaks occurring during february and march. eight species of ticks were found ...199910436879
granulocytic ehrlichiosis and tick infestation in mountain lions in california.forty-seven mountain lions (puma concolor) collected year-round in 1996 to 1998 from the sierra nevada foothills, the northern coast ranges, and in monterey county (california, usa) were examined for infestation with ixodes pacificus and dermacentor variabilis ticks. ticks were found predominantly in winter and spring. the seroprevalence of granulocytic ehrlichiae (ge) antibodies (ehrlichia equi or the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis) was 17% and the pcr-prevalence of dna characteristic ...199910574529
evaluation of host preferences by helminths and ectoparasites among black-tailed jackrabbits in northern california.fifty-four black-tailed jackrabbits (lepus californicus) (five juvenile males, 22 adult males, five juvenile females, and 22 adult females) from humboldt county, california (usa) were evaluated for sex and age-specific differences in parasite prevalences and intensities, 26 february through 30 october 1996. nematodes found included biogastranema leporis in 42 hares (78% prevalence), rauschia triangularis in 26 hares (48%), trichostrongylus calcaratus in 14 hares (26%), and trichuris sylvilagi in ...200010941744
investigation of bartonella infection in ixodid ticks from california.a total of 1253 ixodid ticks (254 tick pools) collected between the end of 1995 and the spring of 1997 from six california counties (el dorado, los angeles, orange, santa cruz, shasta and sonoma) were examined for the presence of bartonella dna by pcr of the citrate synthase gene. of 1,119 adult ixodes pacificus ticks tested, 26 (11.6%) of 224 pools, each containing five ticks, were positive (minimum percentage of ticks harboring detectable bartonella dna, 2.3%). bartonella pcr-positive ticks we ...200212135237
detection of borrelia burgdorferi, ehrlichia chaffeensis, and anaplasma phagocytophilum in ticks (acari: ixodidae) from a coastal region of california.a study was conducted in santa cruz county to estimate the prevalence and distribution of the agents of lyme disease, human granulocytic (hge), and human monocytic (hme) ehrlichiosis in 1,187 adult ixodid ticks collected from eight public-use recreation areas over a 2-yr period. borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease, was detected by a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) in 44 of 776 (5.67%) ixodes pacificus ticks and in 3 of 58 (5.17%) dermacentor variabilis ticks. anaplasma phag ...200314680123
geographical distribution patterns and habitat suitability models for presence of host-seeking ixodid ticks in dense woodlands of mendocino county, california.we used drag sampling to examine the geographical distribution patterns of ixodid ticks engaging in open (non-nidicolous) host-seeking behavior in dense woodland habitats of the climatically and ecologically diverse mendocino county in north coastal california. the findings based on this sampling methodology reflect risk of human exposure to host-seeking ticks rather than the true distribution of the ticks. drag sampling in 78 sites yielded 7,860 nymphal or adult ixodes pacificus cooley & kohls, ...200616619628
wild turkey (meleagris gallopavo) as a host of ixodid ticks, lice, and lyme disease spirochetes (borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato) in california state grande wild turkeys (meleagris gallopavo intermedia) were evaluated as potential hosts of ixodid ticks, lice, and lyme disease spirochetes (borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato [s.l.]) in three state parks in sonoma county, california, usa, during 2003 and 2004. in total, 113 birds were collected, 50 (44.2%) of which were found to be infested by 361 ixodid ticks representing three species: the western black-legged tick (ixodes pacificus, n=248), the rabbit tick (haemaphysalis leporispalustris, n= ...200617255442
detection and identification of spotted fever group rickettsiae in dermacentor species from southern california.dermacentor occidentalis marx and dermacentor variabilis (say) commonly bite humans in california. these dermacentor species may play a role in transmitting spotted fever group (sfg) rickettsiae to humans in many parts of the state where dermacentor andersoni stiles, a known vector for the etiologic agent of rocky mountain spotted fever, rickettsia rickettsii, is absent. however, the specific rickettsial agents present in these ticks and their current prevalence are poorly understood. in total, ...200818533446
ecology of anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in gray foxes (urocyon cinereoargenteus) in northwestern california.although granulocytic anaplasmosis, caused by infection of anaplasma phagocytophilum, is an emerging human and domestic animal disease, the ecology and natural history of the parasite is not well understood. gray foxes (urocyon cinereoargenteus) are relatively common, occasionally peri-urban mesocarnivores whose geographic distribution overlaps the reported distribution of granulocytic anaplasmosis in humans and domestic animals in north america. we evaluated the potential of foxes as hosts and ...200919395744
distribution and prevalence of cytauxzoon felis in bobcats (lynx rufus), the natural reservoir, and other wild felids in thirteen states.cytauxzoon felis, a protozoan parasite of wild and domestic felids, is the causative agent of cytauxzoonosis in domestic and some exotic felids in the united states. the bobcat (lynx rufus) is the natural reservoir for this parasite, but other felids such as florida panthers (puma concolor coryii) and domestic cats may maintain long-term parasitemias and serve as reservoirs. experimentally, two tick species, dermacentor variabilis and amblyomma americanum, have demonstrated the ability to transm ...201021071149
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