
a serologic survey for selected infectious diseases of black bears in idaho.two hundred sixty-five black bears (ursus americanus) from northcentral idaho were examined serologically over a five-year period for antibodies against selected infectious disease agents. the number of positive serum samples number of sera tested and percent positive for each infectious agent is: tularemia, 65/340 (19); brucellosis, 18/332 (5); toxoplasmosis, 23/303 (8); leptospirosis, 2/196 (1); trichinosis, 16/122 (13); q-fever, 13/210 (6); st. louis encephalitis, 3/340 (1); western equine en ...19807411749
the serologic prevalence of q fever (coxiella burnetii) complement-fixing antibodies in the peninsular bighorn sheep of southern california.q fever is a rare illness in the southern california desert. during the past 34 years only 6 patients have been diagnosed with the disease at the eisenhower medical center, a referral center for much of the desert and surrounding mountains. in all but 2 instances, q fever was identified in patients who have been in contact with imported domestic sheep who are brought to the desert to graze and lamb in the fall and winter. the sheep are sent back to idaho, wyoming, and montana in the spring. with ...200616896140
q fever in idaho. 195913649674
q fever in the southern california desert: epidemiology, clinical presentation and treatment.despite the absence of a natural reservoir for q fever in the desert of southern california, six cases have been identified during the past 32 years. during that period of time, two areas have been used by northern sheep ranchers from idaho and wyoming to import sheep to an area in the coachella valley through 1985. thereafter, because of housing development, the sheep area was moved to blythe along the colorado river. all but two of these patients probably acquired infection by coxiella burneti ...200616837704
sheep-associated outbreak of q fever, idaho.between feb 1 and aug 31, 1984, an outbreak of 18 symptomatic cases of q fever occurred in idaho; these numbers represent an increase over the three cases reported in 1982 and the five reported in 1983. four of the patients in the outbreak required hospitalization for two to five weeks; there were no fatalities. eight of the cases had documented q fever hepatitis, and one had pneumonia. all 18 of the 1984 cases for whom information was available were epidemiologically linked to visiting or worki ...19873813754
q fever; report of three cases in idaho. 195214911051
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