
arbovirus surveillance in six states during 1972.a virus surveillance project was established and maintained during 1972 along 10 major river drainages in six states. mosquitoes, biting flies, and blood specimens from sentinel equines were collected during 83 field trip visits to 141 arthropod collecting sites and 22 sentinel locations from april into december 1972. there were 173,074 mosquitoes tested and 303 arboviruses isolated from 11 of 41 species. from 13,388 biting flies tested, 8 arbovirus isolations were obtained in 1 of 5 species. th ...19767148
morphometric variability in natural and laboratory populations of culicoides variipennis (diptera: ceratopogonidae). 1977609067
trajectory analysis of winds and vesicular stomatitis in north america, 1982-5.outbreaks of vesicular stomatitis, serotype new jersey, during epidemics in the united states and northern mexico, 1982-5, were examined by backward trajectories of winds to investigate spread and possible sources. the outbreaks selected for analysis did not involve introduction of disease by infected animals. the findings indicate that wind could have been responsible for carrying infection from northern mexico to arizona and new mexico and thence to colorado and utah and on to wyoming, idaho a ...19902157606
sympatry in the culicoides variipennis complex (diptera: ceratopogonidae): a taxonomic reassessment.we report sympatry among larval populations of the culicoides variipennis complex in widespread and diverse aquatic habitats throughout the united states. six sites in california, nevada, new mexico, and texas were co-inhabited by c. v. occidentalis and c. v. sonorensis, whereas 8 sites in florida, georgia, louisiana, maryland, and texas were co-occupied by c. v. sonorensis and c. v. variipennis. no intermediate forms were identified either electrophoretically or morphologically in adults reared ...200015218909
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