
interaction between alcohol consumption and positivity for antibodies to hepatitis c virus on the risk of liver cirrhosis: a case-control study. provincial group for the study of chronic liver assess the risk of developing liver cirrhosis associated with alcohol consumption, hbv and hcv infection markers, we carried out a case-control study involving 115 patients admitted to the medical departments of the general hospitals in the province of l'aquila (abruzzo, italy) who received for the first time the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis, and 167 controls randomly selected among patients admitted to the same hospitals as the cases. alcohol intake was measured in all 282 subjects using an ...19921330673
web-based hiv testing in abruzzo, italy: analysis of 15-month activity results.undiagnosed cases of hiv infection in developed countries are estimated at 20-30% of individuals living with hiv. web-based strategies may represent a new approach to easier, wider, and unrestricted access to early testing. the abruzzo region, italy, developed a web-based tool to recruit persons at high risk of hiv and other sexually transmitted infections (stis). at the website , browsers found information on stis (hiv, hepatitis b and c, and syphilis), a structured quest ...201627749107
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