
the state laboratory of hygiene's role in terrorism preparedness and the fall of 2001, the national public health system found itself responding to acts of terrorism. the intentional release of bacillus anthracis spores on the east coast tested the capacity of all state public health laboratories to respond. the impact on the public health system extended to the wisconsin state laboratory of hygiene (wslh). fortunately, participation in the national laboratory response network helped the wslh meet the challenge of 24 hour/7 days a week coverage, and subsequent ...200314658571
rapid assessment of agents of biological terrorism: defining the differential diagnosis of inhalational anthrax using electronic communication in a practice-based research network.early detection of bioterrorism requires assessment of diagnoses assigned to cases of rare diseases with which clinicians have little experience. in this study, we evaluated the process of defining the differential diagnosis for inhalational anthrax using electronic communication within a practice-based research network (pbrn) and compared the results with those obtained from a nationwide random sample of family physicians with a mailed instrument.200415506577
the primary care differential diagnosis of inhalational anthrax.inhalational anthrax is an extremely rare infectious disease with nonspecific initial symptoms, thus making diagnosis on clinical grounds difficult. after a covert release of anthrax spores, primary care physicians will be among the first to evaluate cases. this study defines the primary care differential diagnosis of inhalational anthrax.200415506578
demand for prophylaxis after bioterrorism-related anthrax cases, reports suggested increased public demand for anthrax prophylaxis after the intentional anthrax cases in 2001, but the magnitude of anthrax-related prescribing in unaffected regions was not assessed. we surveyed a random sample of 400 primary care clinicians in minnesota and wisconsin to assess requests for and provision of anthrax-related antimicrobial agents. the survey was returned by 239 (60%) of clinicians, including 210 in outpatient practice. fifty-eight (28%) of those in outpatient ...200515705321
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