anthrax in england and wales. | | 1979 | 514969 |
anthrax in england and wales 1963-1972. | the records of confirmed anthrax diagnoses held by the bacteriology department of the central veterinary laboratory, weybridge, for the years 1963 to 1972 inclusive, were analysed. during this decade, 86 per cent of the 2944 deaths recorded were in cattle and 11 per cent in pigs, correlating significantly with the cattle and pig populations in england and wales during this period. also, the country could be separated into high and low prevalence counties for cattle anthrax. norfolk and somerset ... | 1975 | 1179615 |
serology and anthrax in humans, livestock and etosha national park wildlife. | results are presented from a number of epidemiological studies using enzyme immunoassays (eia) based on the purified anthrax toxin antigens, protective antigen, lethal factor and oedema factor. studies on sera from a group of 62 human anthrax patients in turkey and from cattle in britain following two unrelated outbreaks of anthrax show that eia using protective antigen can be a useful diagnostic aid and will detect subclinical infections in appropriate circumstances. a serological survey on wil ... | 1992 | 1582472 |
anthrax surveillance 1961-80. | | 1982 | 6799106 |
observations on an outbreak of anthrax in pigs in north wales. | nineteen pigs in a 500 sow herd died from anthrax over a period of 95 days. this paper describes some of the problems encountered and how they were dealt with, including the risks to public health, the disposal of slurry and the cleansing and disinfection of the premises after the herd was slaughtered. | 1992 | 1441152 |
an outbreak of anthrax in pigs: a practitioner's account. | an outbreak of anthrax occurred in a 500 sow unit at singret farm, llay, during the summer of 1989. this paper describes the sequence of events leading up to the depopulation of the farm, as seen and recorded by a veterinary surgeon in the practice involved. some of the problems encountered and their significance for the future are discussed. | 1990 | 2256239 |
outbreak of anthrax in pigs. | | 1992 | 1466126 |
experimentally assessed public health risks associated with pigs from farms experiencing anthrax. | following an outbreak of anthrax in an intensive pig rearing unit in north wales in 1989 a study was initiated by the ministry of agriculture, fisheries and food to assess public health risks during such an outbreak. of 50 pigs infected by the addition of bacillus anthracis spores to their feed, two died of anthrax six and eight days later. the remainder were observed for 21 days and exhibited only mild and transient clinical signs of disease. as judged by the results of bacteriological culture ... | 1997 | 9308148 |
observations on infections associated with south wales natural waters. | | 1981 | 6795173 |
outbreak of anthrax in pigs. | | 1990 | 2260258 |