
helminths in dogs belonging to people in a resource-limited urban community in gauteng, south hundred and sixty-four faecal samples, 148 adhesive tape swabs and 132 blood samples were collected from dogs in boksburg, gauteng, to assess the prevalence of helminth parasites in the area. sixty-nine of these dogs were also necropsied and helminths recovered from the gastro-intestinal tracts. ancylostoma caninum was the most common helminth and was present in 88% of the dogs, followed by dipylidium caninum in 39% of dogs, toxocara canis in 36%, ancylostoma braziliense in 20%, spirocerca l ...200111585088
a survey of helminths in domestic cats in the pretoria area of transvaal, republic of south africa. part 1: the prevalence and comparison of burdens of helminths in adult and juvenile cats.the helminths found in 1,502 necropsied cats were examined. the findings indicated that 65% of the cats were infested. the most prevalent helminths encountered were ancylostoma tubaeforme (41%), ancylostoma braziliense (25%), dipylidium caninum (23%), toxocara cati (11%), taenia taeniaeformis (7.7%), ancylostoma caninum (3.3%), joyeuxiella fuhrmanni (2.5%), ancylostoma ceylanicum (1.4%), and physaloptera praeputialis (1.3%). the following helminths were recorded in fewer than 1% of the cats: cen ...19892634770
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