
antibodies to selected disease agents in translocated wild turkeys in california.wild turkeys (meleagris gallopavo) trapped within california (n = 715) or imported into california from other states (n = 381) from 1986 to 1996 were tested for exposure to certain disease agents. prevalence of antibody to mycoplasma gallisepticum, mycoplasma meleagridis, salmonella pullorum, salmonella typhimurium, newcastle disease virus, and avian influenza virus was low (0-4%) for wild turkeys trapped within california. with the exception of antibody prevalence to m. meleagridis of 33%, the ...200010682760
characteristics of a very virulent infectious bursal disease virus from outbreak of infectious bursal disease (ibd) in two california layer flocks resulted in the isolation of two infectious bursal disease viruses designated ra and rb. increased mortality plus gross and histopathology in the layer flocks suggested ra and rb could be very virulent infectious bursal disease virus (vvibdv). preliminary studies indicated that high mortality resulted when bursa homogenates from the layer farms were used to inoculate specific-pathogen-free (spf) chicks. in addition, ra ...200920095162
california national animal health monitoring system for meat turkey flocks-1988-89 pilot study: management practices, flock health, and production.a pilot project for a meat turkey national animal health monitoring system was undertaken in california in 1988-89 to explore data gathering techniques and to estimate the frequency, magnitude, and variability of management, flock health (including administration of pharmaceuticals for prevention and treatment of disease), and production variables in order to facilitate planning for future food animal monitoring systems. enteritis, which occurred in over one-third of the flocks, and colibacillos ...19968790875
infectious coryza in meat chickens in the san joaquin valley of california.two cases of infectious coryza in meat chickens are reported. the first case involved 6-week-old broiler chickens in which only haemophilus paragallinarum was isolated. the second case involved 11-week-old roaster chickens in which h. paragallinarum and mycoplasma synoviae were isolated. both farms were in close proximity to layer-chicken farms where infectious coryza had been previously diagnosed. in both cases, only certain houses on the farm were affected, and mortality in these houses increa ...19902282006
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