
acute q fever hepatitis in taiwan.we report a case of a chronic hepatitis b carrier with an episode of acute hepatitis. the patient presented with a headache, arthralgias, jaundice and fever. while the laboratory tests mimicked chronic hepatitis b with an acute exacerbation, lipogranulomatous changes seen in the liver biopsy strongly suggested the presence of q fever. serology testing for coxiella burneti proved positive and the patient responded to tetracycline therapy. while previously unreported in taiwan, q fever is importan ...19957620101
q fever in taiwan.although q fever, a rickettsial disease caused by coxiella burnetii, is supposed to occur sporadically worldwide, there is only one case report of this disease in taiwan. we examined the antibody of q fever to evaluate the status of q fever in taiwan.19948087717
seroprevalence of coxiella burnetii infection in southern taiwan.the emergence of infection with coxiella burnetii, the causative organism of q fever, has been only recently recognized in taiwan. several cases of acute q fever infection have been described, but the prevalence of antibodies to c. burnetii in the general population in taiwan has not been reported. thus, we studied the seroprevalence of c. burnetii infection in southern taiwan.200010743344
acute q fever and scrub typhus, southern taiwan.acute q fever and scrub typhus are zoonoses endemic to southern taiwan. among the 137 patients with acute q fever (89, 65.0%) or scrub typhus (43, 31.4%), we identified 5 patients (3.6%) who were co-infected with coxiella burnetii and orientia tsutsugamushi.200919861068
identification of risk factors of coxiella burnetii (q fever) infection in veterinary-associated populations in southern taiwan.the first case of q fever in taiwan was reported in 1993. the disease is considered to be emerging in taiwan, but the route of transmission has remained unclear. the annual number of confirmed q fever cases has been increasing up to more than 100 cases since 2005, comparing with less than 30 before 2003. the purpose of this study was to determine the seroprevalence and risk factors of coxiella burnetii infection in veterinary-associated populations in southern taiwan. a total of 228 serum sample ...201019968850
acute q fever as a cause of acute febrile illness of unknown origin in taiwan: report of seven cases.acute q fever, caused by coxiella burnetii has been well documented in western countries, but only recently identified in taiwan. seven cases diagnosed by indirect fluorescent antibodies to phase ii antigens of c. burnetii are reported. the patients were all men and a history of animal contact could be traced in most cases. clinical manifestations were high fever, chills, relative bradycardia and elevated serum aminotransferases. therapy with tetracycline or clarithromycin resulted in defervesce ...19979136520
acute q fever: an emerging and endemic disease in southern taiwan.acute q fever is a worldwide zoonosis caused by coxiella burnetii infection. in taiwan, cases of acute q fever increased during 3 y of observation, especially at kaohsiung county and city in southern taiwan. from 15 april 2004 to 15 april 2007, a total of 67 cases of acute q fever were identified at e-da hospital located at kaohsiung county. 19 (28.4%) patients had a history of travel in rural areas and only 1 had been outside southern taiwan. 21 (31.3%) patients had a history of animal contact. ...200817852909
acute hepatitis with or without jaundice: a predominant presentation of acute q fever in southern taiwan.acute q fever was previously regarded as an uncommon infectious disease in taiwan but has been increasingly recognized recently. acute febrile illness, hepatitis, and pneumonia are the 3 most common manifestations of this condition, whereas jaundice is rarely reported among patients with acute q fever. we report 2 cases of acute q fever with jaundice and multi-organ involvement. the first patient presented with fever, severe headache, and acute abdomen necessitating laparotomy and was complicate ...200415181492
molecular detection and characterization of spotted fever group rickettsiae in taiwan.rickettsioses are emerging infectious diseases caused by rickettsiae in association with arthropods. we report the detection of spotted fever group rickettsiae (sfgr) in taiwan using molecular methods. phylogenetic analyses of the 17-kd protein and citrate synthase (glta) genes showed that sfgr twkm01 detected in rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides ticks was most similar to rickettsia rhipicephali. three twkm01 isolates were obtained from three individual r. haemaphysaloides ticks. small, intracellul ...200717984347
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