
a single-season epidemic with respiratory syncytial virus subgroup b2 during 10 epidemic years, 1978 to 1988.respiratory syncytial virus strains isolated from infants and children hospitalized with acute respiratory tract disease in huntington, w. va., from july 1979 through june 1988 were categorized by subgroup by using two panels of monoclonal antibodies specific for subgroup a and subgroup b. of 405 strains tested, 319 (78.8%) were subgroup a, 73 (18.0%) were subgroup b1, and 13 (3.2%) were subgroup b2. the subgroup b2 strains occurred as a single-season epidemic during the epidemiologic year july ...19911993752
respiratory syncytial virus epidemics: variable dominance of subgroups a and b strains among children, 1981-1986.we examined the distribution of subgroups a and b strains from respiratory syncytial virus during five epidemic years from 1981 to 1986 in huntington, west virginia. of 235 infants and children with respiratory syncytial virus infection, 211 had virus reisolated from frozen throat swab specimens for subgroup characterization by reactivity with a panel of monoclonal antibodies to the g, f, np, m, and p proteins by using an enzyme immunoassay. we identified 160 (75.8%) strains as subgroup a and 51 ...19883335796
impact of viral respiratory diseases on infants and young children in a rural and urban area of southern west virginia.acute viral respiratory disease occurring in children residing in the community of huntington, west virginia (urban children) or in the hollows surrounding huntington (rural children) was evaluated from september 1978 through march 1980. cohorts of ambulatory children residing in each area were studied for the occurrence of mild to moderate respiratory disease. all children admitted to hospitals were evaluated for the occurrence of severe viral respiratory disease. respiratory secretions were ob ...19836404161
epidemiology of severe respiratory syncytial virus infections in huntington, west virginia. 19816958122
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