respiratory syncytial virus surveillance in various regions across canada. | | 1987 | 3791104 |
respiratory syncytial virus subgroup b dominance during one winter season between 1987 and 1992 in vancouver, canada. | a subgroup analysis of 613 specimens submitted to the british columbia's children's hospital from 1987 to 1992 revealed that subgroups a and b of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) were both circulating in our community, with some predominance for subgroup a during the period from october 1987 to september 1988 (the 1987-88 season) (64%), 1990-91 (60%), and 1991-92 (62%). during 1989-90 subgroup a represented the majority of isolates (80%). subgroup b predominated during only one season, 1988-89 ... | 1994 | 8126189 |
antiviral screening of british columbian medicinal plants. | one hundred methanolic plant extracts were screened for antiviral activity against seven viruses. twelve extracts were found to have antiviral activity at the non-cytotoxic concentrations tested. the extracts of rosa nutkana and amelanchier alnifolia, both members of the rosaceae, were very active against an enteric coronavirus. a root extract of another member of the rosaceae, potentilla arguta, completely inhibited respiratory syncytial virus. a sambucus racemosa branch tip extract was also ve ... | 1995 | 8847882 |
economic evaluation of palivizumab in children with congenital heart disease: a canadian perspective. | respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a common cause of bronchiolitis in infants. in children with congenital heart disease (chd), it is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. palivizumab is a monoclonal antibody that reduces the number of rsv-associated hospitalizations in children with chd. we sought to assess cost savings and cost-effectiveness of palivizumab in children < 2 years old with hemodynamically significant chd in a provincially administered rsv prophylaxis program. | 2011 | 21664100 |
acute care utilization due to hospitalizations for pediatric lower respiratory tract infections in british columbia, canada. | pediatric lrti hospitalizations are a significant burden on patients, families, and healthcare systems. this study determined the burden of pediatric lrtis on hospital settings in british columbia and the benefits of prevention strategies as they relate to healthcare resource demand. | 2012 | 23217103 |
three monthly doses of palivizumab are not adequate for 5-month protection: a population pharmacokinetic analysis. | recent guidelines in british columbia, canada have suggested that the use of a maximum of 3 monthly doses of palivizumab 15 mg/kg intramuscularly for rsv immunoprophylaxis of high risk infants born prior to the rsv season is adequate to provide protection against severe rsv disease for a 5-month rsv season. efficacy was established, however, with 2 large, randomized controlled clinical studies using 5 monthly doses of immunoprophylaxis. to evaluate the differences in expected palivizumab exposur ... | 2013 | 23523663 |
tetracaine (ametop) compared to placebo for reducing pain associated with intramuscular injection of palivizumab (synagis). | infants receive many painful immunizations before they are 2 years old. the purpose of this study was to evaluate if topical tetracaine reduces the pain of intramuscular palivizumab compared to placebo. there were two study injections, one with tetracaine and one with placebo. pain was scored by their parents and a pediatric nurse. topical tetracaine was not associated with a significant reduction in pain score, although it did lead to faster recovery times. additional pain-reduction strategies ... | 2009 | 19931151 |