
respiratory syncytial virus infection and prevalence of subgroups a and b in hawaii.respiratory syncytial virus was isolated from hospitalized children in hawaii in each month of the year during the period january 1987 to august 1989. subgroup a and subgroup b strains cocirculated, with subgroup a predominating. there was an alternating early-season and late-season peak incidence cycle as reported elsewhere.19911774271
respiratory syncytial virus outbreak on american samoa. evaluation of risk factors.acute respiratory illness is one of the leading causes of childhood mortality in developing nations. we investigated an increase in hospitalizations of children less than 2 years old for severe lower respiratory tract illness (lri) from october 1986 through december 1986 on the island of american samoa. hospitalization rates were highest in children less than 6 months of age (60 of 1000 compared with 22 of 1000 for those 6 to 11 months of age, and seven of 1000 for those 12 to 24 months of age). ...19892916509
severe bronchiolitis and respiratory syncytial virus among young children in hawaii.lower respiratory tract infections are a leading cause of hospitalization and mortality among children worldwide. our objective was to describe the incidence and epidemiology of severe bronchiolitis, respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), and pneumonia among children in hawaii.200718043442
gowning does not affect colonization or infection rates in a neonatal intensive care study the effect of gowning in a neonatal intensive care unit on colonization patterns, necrotizing enterocolitis, respiratory syncytial virus and other infections, mortality, and traffic and handwashing patterns.19947921089
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