
tyzzer's disease as a complication of canine distemper in a raccoon.intercurrent canine distemper and tyzzer's disease were diagnosed in a mature raccoon (procyon lotor) submitted for necropsy. clinical, gross and microscopic findings characteristic of canine distemper virus (cdv), included ataxia, dyspnea, suppurative conjunctivitis, interstitial pneumonitis and generalized lymphocytolysis. inclusion bodies typical of cdv infection were present in many epithelial tissues. acute multifocal hepatic necrosis and acute segmental necrotizing enteritis were attribute ...19863951062
tularemia, plague, yersiniosis, and tyzzer's disease in wild rodents and lagomorphs in canada: a review.information related to infection of wild rodents or lagomorphs in canada by francisella tularensis, yersinia pestis, other yersinia spp., and clostridium piliforme was searched for this study. reports on tularemia in humans linked to these species came from diagnostic databases, literature, wildlife health specialists, and public health agencies. tularemia has been diagnosed in 8 species of wild rodent and 2 species in the genus lepus in canada. tularemia occurred in wild animals, or in humans a ...200920190973
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