
viral gastroenteritis. 1977195460
suggestions for determining treatment following human exposure to rabies in maryland. 1978661394
history of the medical and chirurgical faculty, 1899-1925. part 2, 1908-1915. 19751095837
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1991, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 6,972 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control. ninety-one percent (6,354 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8.9% (618 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases of rabies increased 42.9% over that of 1990 (4,881 cases), with most of the increase resulting from continued spread of the epizootic of rabies in raccoons in the mid-atlantic and northeas ...19921483899
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1990, the united states and its territories reported 4,881 cases of rabies in animals to the centers for disease control, a 1.5% increase from 1989. of these, 553 were domestic animals, 4,327 were wild animals, and one was a human being. pennsylvania reported the highest number (611) of rabies cases in animals in 1990. for the first time since surveillance of rabies in wild animals was begun in the 1950s, the number of cases of rabies in raccoons exceeded that in skunks. particularly large in ...19921577642
possible effect of altered management practices on seroprevalence of bovine leukemia virus in heifers of a dairy herd with history of high prevalence of infection.a bovine leukemia virus (blv) control program was instituted at a high-prevalence, purebred holstein dairy. the specific control program required single use of needles and obstetrical sleeves, disinfection of tattoo equipment before use, dehorning by use of electrical burning devices, replacement of whole milk feeding with high-quality milk replacer, and heat treatment of colostrum before feeding. the effect of the program was estimated by comparing the pre- (1987) and postintervention (1989) pr ...19911664821
clostridium perfringens food poisoning: use of serotyping in an outbreak outbreak of clostridium perfringens food poisoning occurred among attendees of a firehouse luncheon. the predominant symptoms of diarrhea (100%) and abdominal pain (81%) among case-patients, the mean incubation period (13.4 h), and the mean duration of illness (21.2 h) were all characteristic of c. perfringens enteritis. roast beef, although not epidemiologically implicated, was the most likely vehicle of transmission. fecal specimens from case-patients contained a median c. perfringens spore ...19892542360
epidemiology of potomac horse fever: an investigation into the possible role of non-equine mammals.a serological study of antibodies to ehrlichia risticii was carried out on 10 species of wild and domestic mammals found on or near 21 horse farms in an area of the usa in which potomac horse fever is endemic. no antibodies were found in 133 peridomestic rodents (norway rats and house mice), nor in 108 wild rodents (white-footed mice and meadow voles) captured on farms. three of the six domestic animal species examined, cats, pigs and a goat, showed serological evidence of exposure to e risticii ...19892773237
cache valley virus in the del mar va peninsula. 3. serologic evidence for natural infection of dairy cattle. 19704192339
association of toxoplasmosis and cats. 19734576754
advisory on animal bites. 19724655908
a field study of the correlation of static lime paper sampler with forage and cattle urine. 19744833331
chlorine gas poisoning in farm livestock: case report and review. 19714926539
q fever studies in maryland. 19654954381
role of reference reagents in virus research. 19674962158
babesia mephitis sp. n. (protozoa: piroplasmida), a hematozoan parasite of the striped skunk, mephitis mephitis. 19704994127
workshop on comparative pathology of hematopoietic and lymphoreticular neoplasms. 19715000995
occurrence of a cattle eyeworm, thelazia gulosa (nematoda: thelaziidae), in an imported giraffe in california and t. lacrymalis in a native horse in maryland. 19715157171
evaluation of erythromycin in the treatment of infectious bovine mastitis. 19685761379
review of the 1993 veterinary drug bioequivalence workshop, held on march 29-31, 1993, in rockville, maryland. 19947913728
nested case-control study of tumors of the hemopoietic and lymphatic systems among workers in the meat industry.workers in the meat industry are exposed to viruses that cause leukemia and lymphoma in cattle and chickens, and also to carcinogenic chemical agents. this case-control study, nested in a cohort of members of a meatcutters' union in baltimore, maryland, investigated whether occupational exposures are associated with death from tumors of the hemopoietic and lymphatic systems. cases of these tumors represent all deaths which occurred in the cohort between 1949 and 1980. excess risks of tumors of t ...19989554414
culicoides variipennis (diptera: ceratopogonidae) complex in virginia.immature culicoides variipennis (coquillett) were sampled from aquatic habitats throughout virginia, reared to adults, and examined by isozyme electrophoresis to assess their taxonomic status. data from 22 counties showed that c. v. variipennis is widespread and common, the predominant taxon throughout virginia, and genetically similar to c. v. variipennis in maryland. because c. v. variipennis is considered an inefficient vector of the bluetongue viruses, this observation is consistent with the ...19989775615
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1997, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 8,509 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 4 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. nearly 93% (7,899) were wild animals, whereas 7% (610) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases increased 19.4% from that of 1996 (7,128 cases). increases were apparent in each of the major species groups, with the exception of cattle. the relative contributions of these groups to the total ...19989861958
the availability of state-level data on interstate cattle movements in the united states.knowledge about the patterns of animal movement--particularly feeder-cattle movement--within the usa is necessary in order to anticipate how diseases might be spread geographically. this study was conducted to explore the availability of interstate-level movement data which might be used to develop a more coherent national picture of interstate feeder-cattle movement. state statistical offices of the national agricultural statistics service, 1996 (nass) and departments of agriculture in all 50 s ...19989879593
results of a nationwide survey to determine feedstuffs fed to lactating dairy cows.a nationwide survey to determine feedstuffs used in the diets of dairy cows was conducted. this survey was mailed to dairy nutritionists at universities in each state to describe the use of 144 feedstuffs. twenty-eight states responded and were grouped by region as follows: northeast (maine, maryland, new hampshire, new york, ohio, vermont, and west virginia), northwest (idaho, oregon, and washington), midwest (iowa, illinois, michigan, minnesota, missouri, nebraska, north dakota, south dakota, ...199910068966
prevalence of campylobacter spp., escherichia coli, and salmonella serovars in retail chicken, turkey, pork, and beef from the greater washington, d.c., area.a total of 825 samples of retail raw meats (chicken, turkey, pork, and beef) were examined for the presence of escherichia coli and salmonella serovars, and 719 of these samples were also tested for campylobacter spp. the samples were randomly obtained from 59 stores of four supermarket chains during 107 sampling visits in the greater washington, d.c., area from june 1999 to july 2000. the majority (70.7%) of chicken samples (n = 184) were contaminated with campylobacter, and a large percentage ...200111722889
serologic survey of cattle in the northeastern and north central united states, virginia, alaska, and hawaii for antibodies to cache valley and antigenically related viruses (bunyamwera serogroup virus).bovine sera from northeastern states (connecticut, delaware, maine, maryland, massachusetts, new york, pennsylvania, vermont, and west virginia), north central states (indiana, illinois, iowa, kentucky, michigan, minnesota, north dakota, ohio, south dakota, and wisconsin), virginia, alaska, and hawaii were examined for the presence of neutralizing antibodies to cache valley (cv), lokern (lk), main drain (md), northway (nw), and tensaw (ts) viruses. microneutralization tests were performed using ...200212363055
first detection of microsporidia in dairy calves in north america.fecal specimens were obtained from a total of 413 dairy calves from farms in vermont, new york, pennsylvania, maryland, virginia, north carolina, and florida. after removal of fecal debris by sieving and density gradient centrifugation, specimens were examined by fluorescence microscopy, polymerase chain reaction (pcr), and dna sequencing analysis for the presence of microsporidia. microscopic examination revealed no spores. pcr using generic primers for microsporidia revealed 70 positive calves ...200312739131
comparison of culling rates among dairy cows grouped on the basis of serologic status for bovine leukemia determine the association between serologic status for bovine leukemia virus (blv) and culling rates by use of survival times in a commercial holstein dairy herd.200312875453
identification of assemblage a giardia in white-tailed deer.fecal samples were collected from hunter-killed white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) during a managed hunt in a central maryland county. fecal samples were cleaned of debris and concentrated by cscl density gradient centrifugation and stained with merifluor reagents. stained samples were examined by fluorescent microscopy for the presence of giardia sp. cysts. one of 26 samples was found to be positive for giardia sp. polymerase chain reaction amplification using primers directed to the be ...200314740923
prevalence of vesivirus in a laboratory-based set of serum samples obtained from dairy and beef examine sera obtained from dairy and beef cattle to detect antibodies against vesivirus and compare seroprevalence among cattle within the sample population.200616426220
effect of manure on escherichia coli attachment to soil.attachment of bacteria to soil is an important component of bacterial fate and transport. escherichia coli are commonly used as indicators of fecal contamination in the environment. despite the fact that e. coli are derived exclusively from feces or manure, effect of the presence of manure colloids on bacteria attachment to agricultural soils was never directly studied. the objective of this work was to evaluate the magnitude of the effect of manure on e. coli attachment to soil. escherichia col ...200516221829
molecular analysis of escherichia coli from retail meats (2002-2004) from the united states national antimicrobial resistance monitoring system.the origins and virulence potential of meat product-associated escherichia coli are undefined.200919508167
enterocytozoon bieneusi genotypes in dairy cattle in the eastern united states.fecal specimens were obtained from 12-24-month-old dairy heifers on farms in vermont, new york, pennsylvania, maryland, virginia, north carolina, and florida. pcr positive specimens for enterocytozoon bieneusi were found in 131 of 571 heifers examined (23%) and on all the farms visited. the prevalence of e. bieneusi varied considerably across farms, with the lowest prevalence (4.7%) on md-2 and the highest prevalence (37.8%) on ny-2. all pcr positive specimens that amplified the its region as we ...200516167161
prevalence and genotypes of giardia duodenalis in post-weaned dairy determine the prevalence of giardia genotypes in post-weaned dairy calves, fecal specimens were collected from 3 to 11-month-old dairy calves per farm on two farms in vermont, new york, pennsylvania, maryland, virginia, north carolina, and florida. specimens cleaned of fecal debris and concentrated using cscl density gradient centrifugation were stained and examined by immunofluorescence microscopy and also subjected to pcr and dna sequence analysis. overall, pcr provided more sensitive detec ...200515925721
bovine enterovirus 2: complete genomic sequence and molecular modelling of a reference strain and a wild-type isolate from endemically infected us cattle.bovine enteroviruses are members of the family picornaviridae, genus enterovirus. whilst little is known about their pathogenic potential, they are apparently endemic in some cattle and cattle environments. only one of the two current serotypes has been sequenced completely. in this report, the entire genome sequences of bovine enterovirus 2 (bev-2) strain ps87 and a recent isolate from an endemically infected herd in maryland, usa (wye3a) are presented. the recent isolate clearly segregated phy ...200415483232
prevalence of giardia duodenalis genotypes in pre-weaned dairy determine the prevalence of giardia genotypes in pre-weaned dairy calves, fecal samples were collected from a minimum of 18, 1-7-week-old dairy calves per farm on two farms each in the states of vermont, new york, pennsylvania, maryland, virginia, north carolina, and florida. samples cleaned of fecal debris and concentrated using cscl density gradient centrifugation were stained and examined by immunofluorescence microscopy and also subjected to pcr and gene sequence analysis. prevalence by p ...200415381298
prevalence of enterocytozoon bieneusi in post-weaned dairy calves in the eastern united states.fecal specimens were obtained from 3- to 8-month-old post-weaned dairy calves on farms in vermont, new york, pennsylvania, maryland, virginia, north carolina, and florida. after removal of fecal debris by sieving and density gradient centrifugation, 59 of 452 calves (13%) from 11 farms in six states were found positive for enterocytozoon bieneusi by pcr and dna sequence analysis. based on gene sequence data this genotype of e. bieneusi found in post-weaned calves was 100% identical to that found ...200415170566
whole-farm nitrogen balance on western dairy farms.environmental legislation has made it necessary for livestock producers to be able to quantify and adjust the n balance on their farms. whole-farm n balance and efficiencies were computed for 41 commercial dairies in utah and idaho using the university of maryland nutrient balancer. the average n balance, or unaccounted for n, was 81 tonnes per year for the average herd size of 466 cows with 35.8% of the inputs accounted for in the outputs. the major inputs for farms that grew crops (n = 23, her ...200314740860
molecular characterization of enterocytozoon bieneusi in cattle indicates that only some isolates have zoonotic this study, 338 fecal samples were analyzed for enterocytozoon bieneusi from cattle farms in florida, maryland, michigan, new york, north carolina, pennsylvania, virginia, and portugal. the internal transcribed spacer region (392 bp) of the rrna gene of e. bieneusi was amplified using a nested pcr protocol. thirty-two e. bieneusi-pcr positive samples were sequenced. a high degree of genetic polymorphism, represented by five distinct genotypes (beb1-beb5), was found among the e. bieneusi isola ...200414727187
draft cow genome heads the field. 200212075309
prevalence of cryptosporidium, giardia and eimeria infections in post-weaned and adult cattle on three maryland farms.the prevalence of cryptosporidium, giardia and eimeria, in healthy, asymptomatic, post-weaned and mature cattle was investigated on three maryland farms. one farm, a dairy research facility, had 150 multiparous holstein milking cows; 24 were examined and cryptosporidium andersoni was detected in three (12.5%) but neither giardia nor eimeria was detected. the second farm, a commercial dairy, had 57 multiparous holstein milking cows and an equal number of heifers. of 19 cows examined, c. parvum, g ...200011035228
serologic survey of neospora caninum infection in a closed dairy cattle herd in maryland: risk of serologic reactivity by production groups.prevalence of antibodies to neospora caninum was determined in a cross-sectional consensus survey of 1029 bovines in a dairy herd with endemic neospora-induced abortion. sera were screened by indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat). the prevalence of n. caninum antibody in the ifat was 17.9% in 107 neonates, 26.2% in 233 yearling heifers and steers, 39.07% in 218 mature heifers, and 26.9% in 465 milking cows. serologic reactivity was associated with production grouping on the farm with the gre ...200010841997
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1996, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 7,124 cases of rabies in non-human animals and 4 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. nearly 92% (6,550 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8% (574 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases decreased 9.6% from that of 1995 (7,881 cases). although much of the decline was the result of fewer reported cases of rabies in raccoons, fewer cases were also reported among most g ...19979412679
association of cats and 1970, immunofluorescent toxoplasma dye titers were measured on 265 individuals aged 30 years and older from washington county, maryland. characteristics of the individuals were determined from a private census conducted in this area in 1963. titers at 1:16 dilution or higher were found in 38.5%. a strong positive association was found with increasing age, possession of farm animals, and residence in an older house; a strong negative association was found with possession of cats. these data ar ...19806986765
parasites, diseases, and health status of sympatric populations of sika deer and white-tailed deer in maryland and july 1981, investigations on parasites, diseases, and herd health status were conducted on sympatric populations of sika deer (cervus nippon) and white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) from blackwater national wildlife refuge (maryland) and chincoteague national wildlife refuge (virginia) on the delmarva peninsula. five adult deer of each species were collected from each location and subjected to thorough necropsy examinations and laboratory tests. white-tailed deer at both locations harb ...19836644934
effect of intramammary device on new infection rate, milk yield, and milk somatic cell counts in maryland dairy herds.effectiveness of a polyethylene intramammary device against naturally occurring infections was evaluated in three maryland herds over 2 yr. treated cows [62] were fitted with intramammary devices in all quarters of udders. control cows [62] were sham treated. rates of new intramammary infection over single lactation in treated and control quarters of primiparous cows averaged 18 and 27%. reduction of infection rate was due primarily to fewer corynebacterium bovis infections. infection rate betwe ...19846520267
dairy herd problem with mastitis caused by a rapidly growing mycobacterium species.intramammary infections by a nonspeciated mycobacterium of runyon group iv increased in the dairy herd at the beltsville, md, agricultural research center during 4 years, and were cultured from 9.7% of 300 quarter samples from clinical mastitis cases in 1982. the infection was mildly acute, without systemic involvement, and refractory to therapy but self-terminating, usually at the end of lactation. invasion of the mammary gland commonly followed stress, either calving or previous clinical masti ...19853970441
free-living pathogenic and nonpathogenic amoebae in maryland soils.tests for potentially pathogenic amoebae were carried out on soil samples from the following sites: (i) farmlands fertilized with municipal sewage wastes, (ii) a stream receiving sewage effluent from a sludge lagoon, (iii) a ravine receiving storm runoff from a cattle farm, (iv) farmlands not fertilized with sewage wastes, and (v) a vegetated shoreline of a waterfront estate not used for farming or livestock production. study sites were located on the eastern shore of maryland, bordered to the n ...19892757373
cryptosporidium xiaoi n. sp. (apicomplexa: cryptosporidiidae) in sheep (ovis aries).a new species, cryptosporidium xiaoi, is described from sheep. oocysts of c. xiaoi, previously identified as the cryptosporidium bovis-like genotype or as c. bovis from sheep in spain, tunisia, united kingdom, and the united states are recorded as such in genbank (eu408314-eu408317, eu327318-eu327320, ef362478, ef514234, dq991389, and ef158461). oocysts obtained from naturally infected sheep were infectious for a lamb and oocysts from that lamb were infectious for three other lambs. the prepaten ...200919501967
a longitudinal study of giardia duodenalis genotypes in dairy cows from birth to 2 years of age.fecal specimens were collected from 30 calves from birth to 24 months of age at a dairy farm in maryland to determine the prevalence of giardia duodenalis genotypes in cattle of different ages. fecal samples were subjected to density gradient centrifugation to remove debris and concentrate cysts. specimens were analyzed by immunofluorescence microscopy and polymerase chain reaction (pcr). all pcr positive specimens were sequenced using the ssu-rrna gene of giardia. all 30 calves shed g. duodenal ...200919264407
a longitudinal study of enterocytozoon bieneusi in dairy cattle.feces from each of 30 holstein cattle on a maryland dairy farm were examined at weekly, bimonthly, and then monthly intervals from 1 week to 24 months of age for the presence of enterocytozoon bieneusi. dna was extracted from spores cleaned of fecal debris, and a two-step nested pcr protocol was used to amplify a fragment of the internal transcriber spacer region of the rrna gene. all pcr-positive specimens were sequenced to determine the genotype of e. bieneusi. the overall prevalence was 24% ( ...200919259701
cryptosporidium source tracking in the potomac river better characterize cryptosporidium in the potomac river watershed, a pcr-based genotyping tool was used to analyze 64 base flow and 28 storm flow samples from five sites in the watershed. these sites included two water treatment plant intakes, as well as three upstream sites, each associated with a different type of land use. the uses, including urban wastewater, agricultural (cattle) wastewater, and wildlife, posed different risks in terms of the potential contribution of cryptosporidium oo ...200818776033
a longitudinal study of cryptosporidiosis in dairy cattle from birth to 2 years of age.fecal specimens were collected from 30 calves from birth to 24 months of age at a dairy farm in maryland to determine the prevalence and age distribution of cryptosporidium species/genotypes. after centrifugation to remove debris and concentrate oocysts, specimens were examined by immunofluorescence microscopy and polymerase chain reaction (pcr). fragments of the ssu-rdna gene amplified by pcr were purified and pcr products were sequenced. all 30 calves shed cryptosporidium oocysts at some time ...200818565677
enterocytozoon bieneusi in mature dairy cattle on farms in the eastern united states.fecal specimens were obtained from mature milking cows on farms in vermont, new york, pennsylvania, maryland, virginia, north carolina, and florida. polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-positive specimens for enterocytozoon bieneusi were found in 24 of 541 cows examined (4.4%) and on 12 of 14 farms. the prevalence of e. bieneusi varied considerably from farm to farm, with the lowest prevalence (2.3%) on fl-2 and the highest prevalence (12.5%) on vt-2. none of the cows exhibited signs of diarrhea. all ...200717899197
prevalence of cryptosporidium species and genotypes in mature dairy cattle on farms in eastern united states compared with younger cattle from the same locations.feces collected from 541 milking cows on two dairy farms each in vermont, new york, pennsylvania, maryland, virginia, north carolina, and florida were examined for the presence of cryptosporidium oocysts. oocysts were concentrated from 15 g of feces from each cow and dna was extracted. a two-step nested pcr protocol was used to amplify an 830 base pair fragment of the ssurrna gene. pcr-positive products were purified and sequenced. pcr-positive findings were obtained from cows in all seven state ...200717287086
prevalence and genotypes of giardia duodenalis in 1-2 year old dairy determine the prevalence of giardia genotypes in 12-24 month old dairy heifers, fecal specimens were collected from two farms each in vermont, new york, pennsylvania, maryland, virginia, north carolina, and florida. specimens, cleaned of fecal debris and concentrated using cscl density gradient centrifugation, were subjected to pcr and dna sequence analysis. prevalence of giardia infection, ranged from 11% to 75% on 14 farms with an average prevalence of 36% (204 positive cattle out of 571 ex ...200616647818
trends in the northeast dairy industry: large-scale modern confinement feeding and management-intensive grazing.this paper provides a summary of results from a recent survey of 987 dairy farmers in 4 northeastern us states. the survey results provide descriptive characteristics of the current state of dairy farming in the region, as well as farmer satisfaction levels, concerns, and plans for the future of their farming operations. the paper analyses characteristics of two increasingly important dairy production systems used in the northeast. averages from across the survey states (maryland, pennsylvania, ...201020338456
phalaris arundinacea (reed canarygrass) grass staggers in beef cattle.four adult mixed-breed beef cows from a cow-calf operation in west virginia were referred to the virginia-maryland regional college of veterinary medicine in march 2009 with weakness, ataxia, hind limb paresis progressing to lateral recumbency, and death within 2-3 days. histologically, there was accumulation of light brown, granular pigment in neurons of the ventral gray horns of the spinal cord (more severe in thoracic and lumbar sections), brain stem, and pons, resulting in distortion and bul ...201020807948
a 4-year intervention to increase adoption of safer dairy farming work practices.traumatic and musculoskeletal injury rates have been high in dairy farming compared to other industries. previous work has shown that social marketing efforts can persuade farm managers to adopt practices that reduce injury hazards compared to traditional practices if the new practices maintain profits.201021298698
competitiveness of management-intensive grazing dairies in the mid-atlantic region from 1995 to 2009.this paper used farm income tax returns (schedule f) data from 62 dairy farmers who milked 200 cows or fewer in western and central maryland and southwestern pennsylvania (hereafter, the mid-atlantic region) to assess the relative financial performance of management-intensive grazing (mig) and confinement dairy operations over the 15-yr period from 1995 through 2009. data were not available from all farmers in all years; on average, the sample analyzed contained 11 mig farms and 26 confinement f ...201323313000
predicting manure volatile solid output of lactating dairy matter (om) in livestock manure consisting of biodegradable and nonbiodegradable fractions is known as volatile solids (vs). according to the intergovernmental panel on climate change (ipcc) tier 2 guidelines, methane produced by stored manure is determined based on vs. however, only biodegradable om generates methane production. therefore, estimates of biodegradable vs (dvs; dvs = vs - lignin) would yield better estimates of methane emissions from manure. the objective of the study was ...201829103723
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