
concentrations of cd, co, cu, fe, mn, rb, v, and zn in formalin-fixed brain tissue in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and parkinsonism-dementia complex of guam determined by high-resolution icp-ms.amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (als) and parkinsonism-dementia complex (pdc) are neurodegenerative disorders that occurred with extremely high frequency among the native population on guam, especially in the 1950s and 1960s, but have substantially declined over the last half-century. the etiology of these diseases is unknown, but the most plausible hypothesis centers on imbalances in essential and toxic metals. we have determined the concentrations of cd, co, cu, fe, mn, rb, v, and zn in formalin ...200314716085
polymorphism of molecular-genetic systems in the polish red cattle.the object of this study was to investigate gene polymorphism in the polish red (pr) cattle, a local polish breed included in the fao conservation programme. milk protein genes and other genes with possible effect on production traits were analysed. frequencies of different gene variants were compared with those in the polish friesian cattle. the following gene polymorphisms were analysed with pcr/rflp technique: milk protein genes--kappa-casein and beta-lactoglobulin, growth hormone (gh), piti ...200111589046
polynucleotide cross-linking by aluminum.the observations that there was an increased concentration of al in the brains of alzheimer's, guam-parkinson, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disease patients and that there was an apparent localization of the al in chromatin led to a study of the interaction of al(iii) with dna. we have previously shown that al cross-links calf thymus dna at low ph (s. j. karlik, g. l. eichhorn, p. n. lewis, and d. r. crapper, biochemistry 19, 5991 [1980]). extended studies indicate that cross-linking occurs ...19892560791
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