
feeding patterns of triatoma longipennis usinger (hemiptera, reduviidae) in peridomestic habitats of a rural community in jalisco state, mexico.we analyzed triatomine blood feeding patterns to evaluate the role of peridomiciles in trypanosoma cruzi transmission at the rural village of tepehuaje de morelos at jalisco state, mexico (1999). a total of 206 bugs were collected in 11 out of 26 households (42.3%). nymphs predominated in the collections (64.9% of the total). except for one triatoma barberi female, a species that belongs to the protracta species complex, all adults were triatoma longipennis, a species of the phyllosoma complex. ...200415605639
levels and enterotoxigenicity of clostridium perfringens in pozole, tamales, and birria.a quantitative survey of clostridium perfringens in typical foods served at local restaurants was conducted for 18 months in guadalajara, mexico. a total of 151 samples, including goat's birria (50), pozole (50), and beef tamales (51), were collected from small restaurants in guadalajara. samples were tested for c. perfringens by the most probable number (mpn) method and for mesophilic aerobic plate counts (mapcs) and coliform, yeast, and mold counts by plate count methods. isolates confirmed as ...200515726977
chirurgica taurina: a 10-year experience of bullfight injuries.despite recent efforts to improve medical treatment for injured bullfighters, including the foundation of a scientific society for bullfight injuries, serious injuries, in particular in villages and smaller arenas, still do occur. we are not aware of any series in the english literature that aimed to study the specific mechanisms, types, and outcomes of these injuries.200617033570
an exploratory pilot study of childhood injuries on cattle farms in jalisco, mexico.childhood agricultural injuries have been a concern in the united states for many years. much research has been performed on the cause and prevention of such injuries. the north american guidelines for children's agricultural tasks (nagcat) have been developed in the united states to address the common agricultural tasks and injuries sustained by children. data are lacking concerning the common agricultural tasks and injuries of children working on mexican farms. the goal of the study was to det ...201121728873
using msa-2b as a molecular marker for genotyping mexican isolates of babesia bovis.variable merozoite surface antigens of babesia bovis are exposed glycoproteins having a role in erythrocyte invasion. members of this gene family include msa-1 and msa-2 (msa-2c, msa-2a(1), msa-2a(2) and msa-2b). to determine the sequence variation among b. bovis mexican isolates using msa-2b as a genetic marker, pcr amplicons corresponding to msa-2b were cloned and plasmids carrying the corresponding inserts were purified and sequenced. comparative analysis of nucleotide and deduced amino acid ...200919931189
coarse-scale spatial and ecological analysis of tuberculosis in cattle: an investigation in jalisco, mexico.we have tested the hypothesis that coarse-scale environmental features are associated with spatial variation in bovine tuberculosis (btb) prevalence, based on extensive sampling and testing of cattle in the state of jalisco, mexico. ecological niche models were developed to summarize relationships between btb occurrences and aspects of climate, topography and surface. model predictions, however, reflected the distributions of dairy cattle versus beef cattle, and the non-random nature of sampling ...200819021106
isolation and characterization of shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli o157:h7 and non-o157 from beef carcasses at a slaughter plant in mexico.the contamination of beef carcasses with shiga toxin-producing o157:h7 and non-o157 escherichia coli (stec) obtained from a slaughter plant in guadalajara, mexico was investigated. a total of 258 beef carcasses were sampled during a 12-month period. all samples were assayed for stec by selective enrichment in modified tryptone soy broth supplemented with cefixime, cefsulodin and vancomycin, followed by plating on sorbitol macconkey agar supplemented with cefixime and tellurite (ct-smac). simulta ...200717007951
mastitis outbreak due to mycoplasma californicum and mycoplasma canadense in a commercial dairy herd in the state of jalisco, méxico.a commercial dairy herd with 282 cows in lactation suddenly began to have a problem with atypical clinical mastitis. the first 28 cases showed severe purulent mastitis with hard swollen mammary glands, but without systemic signs of illness some of the cows were lame. the cases were not responsive to antibiotics. the evidence suggested that milking machine malfunction and other management practices may have contributed to spread infection and to increase the number of clinical cases. culture of m ...199910932757
prevalence of and risk factors for shedding of cryptosporidium parvum in holstein freisian dairy calves in central méxico.a total of 31 dairy farms from three states in central méxico were selected for this study in order to determine the prevalence of and risk factors for cryptosporidium parvum shedding in young holstein freisian calves. fecal samples were obtained once from each calf for acid-fast staining for detection of c. parvum oocysts. information on each calf and on each dairy's management practices regarding the maternity pen, calf hutches and calf feeding was obtained by personal interview using a standa ...19989762732
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