
incidence of listeria monocytogenes in fresh foods in barcelona (spain).from september 1989 to march 1990, a study of listeria spp. was carried out on 311 samples of raw foodstuffs from markets and other establishments in the city of barcelona. these foodstuffs included vegetables (103 samples), minced meats from pork, beef and poultry (168 samples) and bivalve molluscs (40 samples). l. monocytogenes was isolated in 7.8% of the vegetable samples, 17.3% of the minced meats and in 7.5% of bivalve molluscs. the most frequent serovars were 1/2 and 4. other species isola ...19921445758
purification and characterization of a soybean hull allergen responsible for the barcelona asthma outbreaks. ii. purification and sequencing of the gly m 2 allergen.a low mw allergen from soybean hull, gly m 1, with two isoallergens, gly m 1 a and gly m 1 b, was associated with the asthma outbreaks that occurred in cartagena, spain. using sera of asthmatic epidemic patients (aep) from barcelona, three main soybean hull allergens, two of them with mws and pis identical to those reported for gly m 1 a and gly m 1 b, were identified.19979146936
dermatophytes isolated from domestic animals in barcelona, spain.this retrospective study deals with the main samples studied at the mycology diagnostic service of the faculty of veterinary science of barcelona: animals with suspected dermatophytosis. over a ten-year period from 1986 to 1995, 136 dermatophytes were identified from dog and cat cultures submitted for identification and from specimens submitted for mycological examination from a variety of other domestic animals. the most frequent dermatophytes isolated were microsporum canis (55.9%), trichophyt ...19979335154
toxic potency of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, and polychlorinated biphenyls in food samples from catalonia (spain).a surveillance program on polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (pcdds), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (pcdfs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) in 29 foodstuff samples produced all over the four provinces in catalonia (spain) is presented. the study included the analyses of milk, egg, meat (beef, chicken, and pork), mussel, and olive oil samples. a previously developed method for the simultaneous analysis of the 2,3,7,8-substituted pcdds/pcdfs and the dioxin-like pcbs, as well as the indicator ...200211853497
distribution of prp(res) in the brains of bse-affected cows detected by active surveillance in catalonia, spain. 200415551927
immunohistochemical approach to the pathogenesis of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in its early immunohistochemical and histochemical study was carried out on the brains of nine cases of bse-diagnosed cattle as part of the surveillance plan in catalonia, spain. the animals had no clinical symptoms reported and were thus at early stages of the disease. the first part of the study consisted of a characterization of prp(bse) deposits throughout the encephalon. the behaviour of the different immuno-labelling patterns was analysed and tropism of some patterns towards certain brain areas was ...200616406559
seroprevalence of neospora caninum in non-carnivorous wildlife from spain.serum samples from 1034 non-carnivorous wildlife from spain were tested for antibodies to neospora caninum by competitive screening enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and confirmed by an indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat). high agreement was observed between results in both techniques (kappa value higher than 0.9). prevalences of n. caninum antibodies positive by both techniques were 11.8% of 237 red deer (cervus elaphus), 7.7% of 13 barbary sheep (ammotragus lervia), 6.1% of 33 ro ...200716962706
evolution of the bse epidemic in catalonia (1990-2015) based on a stochastic model.a stochastic model was used to estimate the number of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bse) cases that may have occurred in catalonia (north-east spain) from january 1990 to december 2015. the model allowed the evolution of the unobserved cases to be estimated differentiating the population into two subgroups: (1) livestock slaughtered for human consumption without clinical signs and (2) cattle at increased risk (including fallen stock, clinical suspects, emergency slaughtered cattle and cattle ...201019286404
ostertagia ostertagi antibodies in milk samples: relationships with herd management and milk production parameters in two mediterranean production systems of spain.the present study analyzed ostertagia ostertagi antibodies by indirect elisa in milk samples in two cattle systems in mediterranean spain to indirectly monitor gastrointestinal nematode (gi) parasitism effects on production. individual samples from 10 animals and the corresponding milk herd samples were collected from 133 herds in girona (intensive management) and 123 herds in minorca (extensive management). both locations showed high and significant positive relationships between average optica ...200919464718
spatial structure and gene flow from biochemical markers in the "pyrenean brown" breed, a rare cattle race in catalonia (spain). 200011301913
further report on cryptosporidium in barcelona zoo mammals.the prevalence of fecal shedding of cryptosporidium in 36 primates (21 species and subspecies) and 62 herbivores (36 species and subspecies) housed at the barcelona zoo was studied. cryptosporidial oocysts were found in stool samples of 14 primate, 18 artiodactyla, 2 perissodactyla, and 1 proboscidea species. none of them showed symptoms related to the parasite. neither the sex nor the group condition (alone or in a group) of the animals studied appeared to be correlated with parasitic prevalenc ...200010780741
diversity of bacteroides fragilis strains in their capacity to recover phages from human and animal wastes and from fecally polluted wastewater.great differences in capability to detect bacteriophages from urban sewage of the area of barcelona existed among 115 strains of bacteroides fragilis. the capability of six of the strains to detect phages in a variety of feces and wastewater was studied. strains hsp40 and ryc4023 detected similar numbers of phages in urban sewage and did not detect phages in animal feces. the other four strains detected phages in the feces of different animal species and in wastewater of both human and animal or ...199910103280
epidemiologic study of an outbreak of clenbuterol poisoning in catalonia, an investigation of 113 cases of clenbuterol poisoning in catalonia, spain, in 1992, more than 50 percent of those affected were found to have had symptoms of nervousness, tachycardia, muscle tremors, myalgia, and headache. there was no significant difference in the distribution of symptoms according to sex (p = 0.97). the period of incubation varied between 15 minutes and 6 hours and the duration of symptoms between 90 minutes and 6 days. clenbuterol was detected in 47 urine samples in amoun ...19957610227
exploring the surveillance potential of mortality data: nine years of bovine fallen stock data collected in catalonia (spain).the potential of fallen stock data to monitor the health status of animal populations has been noted in previous studies. however, further research is required to implement these systems for surveillance. this work presents a novel approach to determining the baselines associated with bovine fallen stock, comparing patterns between subpopulations and identifying subpopulations in which an abnormal event may occur. this study was based on data from 193,873 disposal visits carried out between 2004 ...201525876036
geographical distribution modelling for neospora caninum and coxiella burnetii infections in dairy cattle farms in northeastern spain.maximum entropy ecological niche modelling and spatial scan statistic were utilized to predict the geographical range and to investigate clusters of infections for neospora caninum and coxiella burnetii in dairy cattle farms in catalonia, northeastern spain, using the maxent and satscan programs, respectively. the geographical distribution of neospora and coxiella with the highest level of probability (p > 0·60) covers central catalonia and spreads towards northeastern catalonia which contains a ...201322370223
comparison of bovine cysticercosis prevalence detected by antigen elisa and visual inspection in the north east of spain.a cross-sectional serological study on cattle less than 2years old, using an antigen elisa for the detection of bovine cysticercosis was carried out between november 2009 and february 2010 in 10 slaughterhouses from the catalonia region (north-eastern spain). circulating antigen was detected in 23 of 2073 animals, i.e. a sero-prevalence of 1.11% (ci95%: 0.76-1.75%). the determined sero-prevalence was about 50 times higher than the prevalence obtained by visual inspection within the same period: ...201121524428
descriptive and spatial epidemiology of bovine cysticercosis in north-eastern spain (catalonia).from march 2005 to december 2007, 284 animals from 67 cattle farms (24 dairy and 43 beef) affected by bovine cysticercosis were detected in the region of catalonia (north-eastern spain). dairy farms were almost twice more likely to be affected than beef farms (or=1.79, 95% ci=1.08-2.96, p<0.05), and infected premises have a statistically significant (p<0.05) larger number of animals when compared to uninfected farms in catalonia. the geographical distribution of the infected farms was evaluated ...200919027236
molecular profiling and comparison of field transmissible spongiform encephalopathy cases diagnosed in catalunya.molecular profiling of the proteinase k resistant prion protein (prp(res)) is a technique that has been applied to the characterisation of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (tse) strains. an interesting example of the application of this technique is the ability to differentiate, at the experimental level, between bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bse) and scrapie infection in sheep, and to distinguish between classical and atypical bse and scrapie cases. twenty-six bse cases and two scrap ...200716690334
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